What will happen to the Yacht if Shadow Meowscles Wins? (Fortnite)

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The new Meowscles Shadow/Ghost challenges are out and with it the new intro and variants for Meowscles. Next week we can choose for a third time which teams skin we like more. The previous two times, Shadow wiped the floor with ghost winning both The Grotto and The Rig. If Shadow wins a third time with meowscles this could mean we will probably have a very shadow dominated map at the end of the season .
If the previous event are any indication, the yacht could explode like the rig or get the skull logo paintjob from shadow.
Support a Creator Tag: *chievos*
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If the previous event are any indication, the yacht could explode like the rig or get the skull logo paintjob from shadow.
Support a Creator Tag: *chievos*
(AD: Using this Code directly supports me with a portion of the sale)
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