Reshape and Join/Merge - R for Economists Advanced 3

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This series of videos will serve as an introduction to the R statistics language, targeted at economists.

In this video I cover how to reshape your data from wide to long format using gather(), and then how to join/merge two data sets together using the various join commands in tidyverse. I also cover the concept of the observation level, very important when joining!

There are videos on: [BASIC] Getting Started, Getting Help, Objectives and Variables, Vectors and Matrices, Data Frames, Packages, Summary Statistics (of One and Two Variables), Plots and Graphs, and Linear Regression (OLS), [MODERATE] Regression Formulas, Robust or Clustered Standard Errors and Post-Regression Stats, Regression Plots, Instrumental Variables (IV Regression), Time Series, ARIMA and ARMA, Probit and Logit, Tobit and Heckman, Panel Data, and Missing Data, and [ADVANCED] Simulations, The Tidyverse, Reshape and Join/Merge, dplyr (Introduction, Piping, and Grouping), and ggplot (Introduction, Geometries, Overlaid and Grouped Plots, and Titles and Labels).
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Hi Professor, first of all thank you for your great content. May I make a small suggestion: sometimes there are very frequent switch between r studio and your lecture screen, at times it could become a bit disorienting and sometimes I don't get to read everything in the code, could you put a separate window for your recording and make the r studio demonstration the main part of the video?
Of course this is but a suggestion, thanks again.
