15 Businesses That Are Evergreen (Will Be Around Forever)

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These businesses are never going away! Always demand, always evergreen!

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What businesses are evergreen?
What are good businesses to start?
What businesses always have customers?
What businesses are in high demand?
What are the best businesses to start for the long term?

00:00 - Intro
00:51 - Food
01:49 - Residential development
03:06 - Commercial space
04:19 - Pharmacy
05:16 - Transportation
07:18 - Fashion
08:24 - Commerce
09:48 - Weddings, Events & Funerals
10:58 - Kindergartens & childcare
12:26 - Loans & financial services
13:18 - Hotels
14:40 -Military
15:35 - Energy
16:28 - Telecom
17:12 - Waste management
18:11 - Question


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Hello Aluxers! What should next week's video be about?


"if you don't build your dream someone else will hire you to help build theirs"

- Tony Gaskins


I am a resedential developer from India, started 16 years back as a loan agent for bank.
Now I am 53 already retired comfortably,
I am not sitting in home but do the projects which I love, not just for money but for satisfaction to the soul and to my wallet 😉😉


1. Food

2. Residential Homes

3. Commercial space

4. Pharmacy

5. Transportation

6. Fashion

7. Commerce

8. Wedding, events & Funerals

9. Kindergarten and childcare

10. Loans and financial services

11. Hotels

12. Military

13. Energy

14. Telecommunications

15. Waste management


"EVERGREEN" - Thank you ALUX. This episode is just so absorbing, just re-invigorating the spirit to have my own global brand and have that brand to be the part of elite Fortune top 100. I wana say your content has become my energy boost since last 2 years. The first thing which comes to my mind after watching your episodes, I HAVE TO DO MUCH MORE TO BUILD MY LEGACY. Thank you for being my motivation


Evergreen. In the last two years I've managed to grow from personal financial services, quick low interest loans for short periods much further &
faster than I did in the last 14 years working in the same sector but for salaried position.The experience was vital though in understanding how to set up my own.


Hi, Javier from Madrid. I would add another evergreen business to the list, businesses that provides care services for older people. We all will (hopefully) grow old, and in our society all around the world, is aging rapidly. There is a need for care businesses for old people, and always will be. More each day. Either only day care centers, or all day and night residential facilities for the people that no longer can take care of themselves on their own because of their age.


A useful guide. This should definitely be considered for those looking to start a new business.
The rule of thumb is start a business that has plenty of demand (ideally one that is a basic human necessity).


Successful people don't become that way overnight. Most people you see as glance wealth, a great career, purpose is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray anyone who reads this will be successful in life


Unrelated to the videos topic... but the massive hotel in the bottom right of the aerials of Cancun that you used is the one I stay at every time I go on vacation there. It’s actually the place that made me realize I wanted to start my own company and never have to work for anyone else 8 yrs ago when I was 19. Went with my family and met a lot of successful businesspeople who were there for a major conference and over the course of two weeks I interacted and talked to them about business, learning a lot, as they’d chill in the pool and at the bats after their meetings ended for the day.


Great list Alux, thanks a lot! I probably would've added body hygiene/care/maintenance to it. And probably a little focus on restaurants in the "Food" chapter too. EVERGREEN!!


Fashion!!! Yes!!! there is always a need for clothing!! it's always in demand!


This message is for someone who needs to hear this and will fully understand it... You are not define by your circumstance or your past. It’s not what happened to you that determines your success in life; it is how you deal with those circumstances that determines your success in life. You are strong, you are capable and practice forgiveness (Forgiveness is for you; forgive your parents or anyone whom we have chosen to hurt us, to begin the process of healing and freedom. Remember: Forgiveness is for you to be freed, healed and happy. It’s a RESET BUTTON) and practice gratitude everyday. This will change the course of your life forever. Love you always and I believe in you wholeheartedly no matter what ✨❤️ - Nat


When the next recession hits I’ll be glad that I’m working in healthcare and the military. Neither will ever go away.


‘Money master the game’ and unshakable came in the mail yesterday. Started reading ‘unshakable.’ I’m really enjoying the book. Based on history bull markets always follow bear markets . Stay the course.


EVERGREEN! I will soon get into the food and AirBnB businesses! Thank you for this video Alux!🤗


Transportation, I am an owner operator and everything you've said about the industry is right, very Helpful video, thank you


I've been saving for awhile, so I can put my money to work, I'd like to retire with an investment worth at least $4MILLION and I'm ready to work towards this goal, I'd love to know how to build wealth and amass good profit against all odds.


Making money is the plan and with Bitcoin
Investmet your plans can be fulfilled


Evergreen! I love this channel!!! thank you to the creators!!!
