Dijkstra Shortest Path Algorithm Explained in Python for Graph and Maze [Python Maze World- pyamaze]

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Python Maze World
In this series we will learn about different Maze Search Algorithm in Python e.g., Depth First Search (DFS), Breadth First Search (BFS), A-Star Search, Dijkstra's Algorithm and many other possible search and navigation algorithms like Wall Following Robot, Reinforcement Learning, Genetic Algorithm etc.

This video is about Dijkstra's Algorithm

(00:00) Introduction
(03:43) Dijkstra Algorithm on Weighted Graph
(19:12) Dijkstra Algorithm on a Maze

⭐⭐Depth First Search (DFS) Implementation:

⭐⭐Breadth First Search (BFS) Implementation:

⭐⭐A-star (A*) Search Implementation:

⭐⭐Comparison of DFS, AFS and A*

⭐⭐Discussion on different Heuristic Functions in A-Star

You can download the package as:
pip install pyamaze

Or you can copy the module code from here:

The used demo file is here :

How to use pyamaze module:

What is __name__=='__main__':

Here is the Playlist:

#Python #pyamaze #Python
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I would like to be able to give you more likes, mate, that's exactly what I was looking for, really really ty mate


it says "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tkinter'" as same as pymaze now. Thanks for your helping so much. But your project really nice hihi ❤❤❤


very clear explanation. If I want to compare Dijkstra with other search algorithms like wall following, do I need to set hurdles for the maze or without hurdles is fine


how can I set the goal of a maze when I am reloading a maze from memory? It is only shown how to change the goal when the maze is randomly generated. Thank you


When im trying to spawn my agent, with higher spawn coordinates I get error. For example: KeyError: (3, 11). Maze size is currently (15, 15). It appear that "tracePath" has some problems with it? How can I spawn an agent to any point of the maze and then tracepath?
Thank you.


sir where is code for dijkstra algo for solving maze
