I was the weird kid.

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I was “the weird kid,” which is a bit different from “a weird kid” (…which I also was).

Content warning: this animation contains bullying scenes which may be uncomfortable for some viewers.

I didn’t make this for sympathy or pity, so please don’t comment things like that! I actually am happy I am in a place now where I can make art about my past experience and feel okay :) I also wanted to be able to tell people being bullied or who have been bullied that they aren’t alone, I went through bullying too, and I’m doing much better now - life is worth living.

I really poured my heart and soul into this animation and I hope it can help someone out there. Let's not "bring back bullying" as some people say - let's stop bullying and create a kinder world.

Everything in this video is purely in my opinion. The character designs are randomized.

If you are in a crisis, please call a hotline for immediate help.

2nd Channel: @cypopps2

Thanks for watching! I can't believe there's 6K of you :O !!!
❤️ Cy

#animation #bullying #cypopps
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i dont understand why people feel entitled to call others weird when they are the ones secretly taking pictures of people and sending them to their friends, the lack of self awareness is astonishing


I still get surprised about how some people think that it’s justified to bully someone for no reason


"Ignore the bullies and they'll get bored and go away" was the biggest lie we were all told. Ignoring or not reacting to bullies was just open permission for them to continue bullying.


I relate to this story so much. As a kid my parents and teachers would always tell me "don't react because it's what the bullies want." Because of this, I would hold in so much repressed anger and eventually started getting into fights with the group of boys that were harrassing me.

Unsurprisingly, this resulted in me being punished and them recieving little to no consequences. This went on for several years and I moved schools twice before I even got a formal diagnosis, let alone any support from the school.

More adults need to learn that what they say actually matters. Children trust them until they're old enough to form their own opinions and, autistic children especially, tend to take their words literally.

If even 1 adult spent the time to ask why I was acting out, or explain to me how the social structure was supposed to work, maybe things would've turned out differently.


I relate to this story a lot. I am autistic and I’m still in school, and the bullying is so bad and so overlooked by the teachers. I am also one of the weird kids at school who get bullied, I’ve had kids who would purposely stir me up and try to record me for social media clout just because I have something I can’t control. It’s honestly so tiring and exhausting I wish It would stop, I will never get used to bullying and I’m tired of people telling me I will.


I have autism too. But instead of doing nothing I always became violent. I mostly used to physically hurt bullies because I thought it was the only way. Now I'm 24 and I haven't used violence for 9 years. But I wouldn't hesitate to punch someone when I want or have to. No matter if you're a man or woman. You'll get a good fist in your face if you look for trouble with me!


The bullying we receive just for being quiet or socially awkward is proof of how ableist our society is. Anyone who stands out of their "normality" deserves to be humiliated and harassed. Teachers just praise the bullies and ignore you, because of course you're the problem. And meanwhile the ones that behave so terrible continue with their lives without any consequences.
Sorry if this is poorly written, this brough me back very bad memories and I can barely control my emotions rn.
Anyways, thanks for telling your story, it means a lot to people like me who have been through the same thing


As a fellow weird kid this video really hit home. Thanks Cy for sharing your experience and I hope it helps future weird kids get through the tough times


“Why didn’t you become friends with the other weird kid in your class??” Bc he sexually harasses people and literally beats people and acts victim, then gets away with it. Only cuz he’s new - fischl


This is why we need to teach kids about neurodiversity at an early age. Imagine how much kinder those kids could’ve been if they understood.


I was (somehow) luckily never bullied as a kid but I sure was picked on a few times. Looking back at my school years I've 0 doubt people were probably talking about me behind my back. I was always the "quiet" kid in middle/high school which made me very susceptible to "WOAH YOU TALK?" and people calling me "bestie" and asking me for favors. To anyone still in a school setting who deals with this stuff just always remember you're better than anyone who decides to waste their time trashing on you. <3


I've been bullied by teachers and classmates for a lot of things, my name, colour of my skin, length of my hair, my weight, my "smell", my accent, the things I enjoy and that I kept quiet or to myself. Schools are pretty toxic places, I've found bullies will bully you whether you react or not, and even if I brought it up with an authority figure, often nothing would change. Why people feel the need to be so wicked to each other, I'll probably never know.


I once managed to turn a guy who was bullying me into my best friend to this day when I saw him getting bullied himself and basically realised that he was only teasing me because he himself was being teased. Anyway, we talked and he realised the way he felt was how he was making me feel and we just resolved to marking each other feel better about school. I was bullied for being autistic, he was bullied for being a bit overweight but together we just told the rest of the world to go f themselves. He’s now a mechanic, I’m now an actor and we see each other weekly.


“Don’t react, it’s what the bullies want”
I was told that. I didn’t react, they bullied. I reacted, they bullied. I didn’t want to bring it up because everyone passed it off as a joke, that and it was pretty much my whole class either picking on me or ignoring me so I felt like it was normal. now that I’m a bit more aware of myself and what’s “socially acceptable” it isn’t as bad, but I did have to learn the hard way that it’s easier to hide :’)
go to adults, guys. Don’t be afraid to tell anyone, a teacher, a parent, someone who can do something about it. They’ll put a stop to it, or at least tell them off. It’s so, *so* worth it than having to put up with assholes for years on end.


Oh boy I'm glad I saw this. There's a decent chance our child would take the "don't react" thing as literally as you did, you just put that on my radar. Thank you. I'm sorry you had such an awful bullying experience ❤️


Oh god I can relate too much. I was kind of the opposite bc I overreacted too much when people provoked me so they would purposely make me freak out and I had a hard time controlling it. And my college "friends" were the same as yours! Over the years I've learned to call people out and am still working to accept myself for who I am. Thanks for sharing, I love your videos! <3


Cw: bullying vent

I too was the weird kid. Almost every classmate of mine would make fun of me for how I behaved and used things like my inability to detect sarcasm to play pranks; like one time when they convinced me that I was actually popular and asked me for my autograph and then they got me in trouble because they did it during class.
when I started expressing my interest in punk subculture, and later came out as trans, the bullying got even worse. Thankfully, it had dropped to a small group of bullies by this point, but The last semester of high school was mostly having my backpack stolen, having my meltdowns triggered so they could get out of class, and verbal abuse constantly. Even on the day of my graduation when we were leaving the building, my biggest bully called me a slur as I passed him.
(Yes I did report them like the principal told me, but not five minutes after I would file a report, I’d see him talking with a bully like they were best friends) /srs

Hooray for systemic ableism /sarcasm


I didn't know how to control my emotions until I was 12, which was largely what led to me being bullied on top of being the awkward guy who thought he was funny, and teachers didn't take me seriously if I tried to report anyone.

Looking back, schools seem to really be geared towards "falling in line" which when you're neurodivergent is exceptionally hard, and the bullying only makes it worse


this video resonated with me on a deep level, I was always told "don't react to bullies its what they want, just ignore them and they'll stop." what people who say that don't understand is that it doesn't work like that, bullies don't stop until they get what they want or something stops them. I didn't react to the verbal teasing, so they moved on to tripping me. I didn't react to the tripping, so they started shoving me in the halls. I didn't react to the shoving, so they started giving me wedgies, and that finally got a reaction out of me (because having your underwear pulled like that is painful and violating). now instead of just verbal teasing, I had multiple boys through the rest of middle school giving me painful wedgies because that gave them the reaction they wanted, and it didn't stop till I changed schools for highschool


Man this is... just the truth. I had the opposite problem where I always gave a reaction and people would continue to pick on me, but luckily that died down during high school.
