DSAUDIO.review || Edifier R2850DB vs Edifier S1000MKII || sound.DEMO

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00:00 - 00:17 Intro
00:17 - 01:24 Mortals
01:24 - 02:21 Jazz Con Cajon
02:21 - 03:30 Man On Fire
03:30 - 04:37 Deep
04:37 - 05:45 Return To The Wild
05:45 - 06:49 Long Night
06:49 - 08:01 Bellissimo
08:01 - 09:12 Retro Wave
09:12 - 10:18 Inspiring Middle East

All the tracks used in this video can be found here:

-Sound recorded using pair of SE Electronics SE8 mics and Zoom H6 recorder
-Frequency measurements done in semi treated room using UMIK-1 microphone
-Levels matched using SPL meter
-All tone controls set to neutral
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Estoy escuchando todos estos vídeos con los auriculares Sony WH-1000XM3. En todos ellos me parece que los R2850 suenan algo mejor y creo que es debido símplemente al uso de las 3 vías. El resto de oponentes de 2 vías con los que se enfrentan no consiguen reproducir los medios y graves al mismo tiempo, es algo apenas perceptible sobre todo en la compartiva con los Yamaha, pero que desde luego afecta a la experiencia auditiva. En esta comparativa es donde más se nota la diferencia. Fijaros en la canción "Deep", cuando va a sonar un grave importante, con el S1000MKII hay unas milésimas de segundo en la que los medios pierden presencia de forma relativamente marcada, y en los 2850DB con sus 3 vías esto no ocurre porque cada vía tiene que gestionar menos frecuencias.

Dicen que hay altavoces de 2 o 2, 5 vías que suenan muy bien, pero por pura física nuca podrán alcalzar la calidad de experiencia auditiva de un 3 vías si hablamos a partir de unos precios medios o altos.
No obstante, todo esto no lo digo en relación a cómo suenan los altavoces sino a cómo reproducen el sonido, que es diferente.. Y el 3 vías tiene mayor fidelidad.


Have you heard abou Tomate MTS 2026 vs Edifier R1700?


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R2850DB sounds good... dynamic range is much bigger... but i guess S1000MKII could be tweaked a little bit :)


When it comes to bass, the R2850DB is inherently better, but the S1000MKII is not lacking in this regard either. In fact, it's exactly as it should be.
Both are very successful in terms of details. S1000MKII for Music and R2850DB for Music, Movies and Games may be preferred.


what does everyone think of the R2850DB's used as TV speakers for movies etc ? with the t5 subwoofer ?...thx...cheers from Canada


Can you please do the s1000mk2 vs klipsch r15pm. 🙏🙏🙏


Спасибо. Хорошо если бы сравнили neumann 80 dsp и s1000 mk2 и s2000 mk3, хотя мне кажется звук у него будет ближе к 2000/3000 про


R2850DB is a beast, best in that price range, therefore i chose r1280db


Hi guys, I need help. I have visited several sound stores and asked about the Edififer R2850.

I have been told that Edifier in general does not provide good sound and this has come to my attention because of the very good comments I have heard on this channel. In my country, Argentina, there is not a single store that has Edifier equipment, except for the official store which, unfortunately, does not have a showroom and they only sell their products online. In other words, I would have to buy it without having heard it. Could you help me decide? Do you think I should "risk" buying it?

I have been told that Edifier is not hifi and provides sound far below any hifi stereo system. Is that true? Does this Edififer model worth it?
Are there maybe some better options for the same price?

Thank you and please excuse me for my bad English.


I'm not an audiophile or an expert of any sort. I'm just a casual listener. And, in my family, across three different households we've got the Edifier R1700BT, the Edifier R1855DB, the Edifier R2000 and the Edifier S1000MKii. So I know the Edifier sound. I almost bought the R2750DB a couple of years ago but instead went for the S1000MKii. This comparison in this video is just an interesting exercise for me. So here
(1) Hard to pick a winner based upon listening to the Mortals section. Both are very good. If I was really pushed to go for one I suppose that I'd choose the R2850.
(2) Bass on R2850 sounds a bit muddy on the Jazz Con Cahon section while it comes across with much better and more comfortable definition on the S1000...
(3) On the Man On Fire section the S1000 blows the R2850 out of the water, in every department!

(4) On the Deep section, initially the R2850 sounds more appealing but prolonged listening proved too oppressive with too much unnecessary muddy bass. R1000 wins out here.
(5) Return To The Wild - not enough of a sample here to make a decision. Both good. Maybe the S1000 wins, maybe...
(6) On Long Night it the S1000 all day long, every day...
(7) On Bellissimo there's better definition all over from the S1000...
(8) On Retro Wave the R2850 wins hands down...
(9) On Inspiring Middle East the bass is too oppressive and muddy on the R2850. The S1000 wins here.
So, overall its got to be the S1000MKii (the ones that I have). That's why they're a little more expensive I suppose.


Fr response look weird maybe try measuring in open sapce free of any reflection so that we get the general Idea if what would it sound like in a normal room or like the living room where reflection are most likely to occur. Treated rooms tend to lower the high frequency so it's kinda confusing when you reaf the graph especially in bass and treble


Can someone help me!? ELAC Debut 2.0 or Edifier r2850db???


everytime the 2850s played I was like 'oh..the bass the bass...so much handling it, it's got it, it's handling hahaha


R2850DB is really good. Better instrument separation and I believe bass at high volume will be better than S1000MKII too. The only drawback is that R2850DB is a little thin sounding (compared to the legendary Yamaha HS8, which I like much more).


Between these two, which one is better for movies?


в S1000 явно выделяется нижняя середина.. звучит немного картонно.. 2850 более сбалансированы..


It seems strange to me that the S1000 has more powerful bass than an 8 inch


Although your measurements don't show it the 2850 sounds totally sucked out in the midrange, like many cheap 3 way speakers, where the midrange driver is just thrown in too look impressive, but actually makes the speaker sound worse.
