[Eng sub] Apo talking about how people treat him before || KinnPorsche live talk Drama Arts Chula

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Kinnporsche actors are the first Thai BL whom I've seen giving serious interviews like mature one by talking some serious issues related to society, industry and homosexuality. When Apo said, " people who are asking about my sexuality just wanna say one thing that excuse me sorry but it's none of your fvckin business".And when Mile said "People say be open minded but they're not open minded themselves." I really love that.💚💛


KinnPorsche has set the standards so high that it's going to be hard for anyone to catch up anytime soon, not just the show, but the actors as well. 💐


"Excuse me if being frank, it's none of your BUSINESS."

Thank you Apo. I'll be living with that quote.


No matter u r gay or not ...u r a lovely person and a brilliant actor ....and we will always love and support u for that😊


I am beyond happy that Apo spoke about this as it effects me personally as well.
I am a female and I have masculine tendencies. I am currently 16 turning 17 this year however this has started 3-4 years ago. I was constantly asked ‘are you gay’ by my family and ‘I don’t want my daughter to be gay’ and ‘don’t be gay, I don’t want a lesbian child’ etc.
And my question is why tf do they care?
I even answer with a NO and they still ask me this question till this day.
Sometimes it makes me wanna scream cause they JUST DONT FRICKIN LISTEN.
Either way it’s non of their business of what sex/gender I’m attracted to.
And they literally said that stuff to me yesterday, and it’s really upsetting Trust me.
Just like Apo said u gain a feeling of ‘am I doing something wrong’ etc. so I started to change and be more distant because I don’t like people asking me that.
Honestly from the bottom of my heart I am thankful he spoke about this as it is such a fucking annoying question to be asked.
Some people need to mind their damn business.


They're not supposed to ask people about their sexuality openly. Thats their personal life. Keep strong Apo 💪


It is very clear that he suffered a lot in the past. The saddest part is that he was very young when he came in the industry. So he suffered from all this at a very young age. Imagine u just started ur career and u want to pursue ur passion but suddenly their are people who are trying to make rumours about u, labelling ur sexuality, making fun of ur dressing style or ur skin colour. People didn't approach him because they thought he was gay. These incidents must have broken him and he must have doubted himself at one point. He was bullied for so long but he kept quiet because there was no one he could speak to. No one should go through this experience. Then when it was too much he left his country and went to New York. I also saw an interview where he said that if it was not covid he would have never returned to thailand because in NY no one judged him and he was happy. You can imagine how much bad stuff he faced that he refused to come back in his own country. I just hope now he is happy. If now anyone tries to bully him he has fans who will fight for him
I will always support him no matter what happens. He is a pure soul n i rarely see celebrities like Apo. I have seen so many bl dramas but never seen an actor n person like Apo. Fighting Apo!!❤️😊


Apo you're the BEST. Don't listen other's nonsense. Go ahead. You're a shining star. ❤️❤️❤️


I can't stop falling in love with Apo, he's just the most extraordinary man on earth


It’s so nice that Pond and Be On Cloud are more focused on the actors being their authentic selves. It must be liberating to not have to worry about your actions being misconstrued like Apo was talking about.


I felt bad that he had to go through all of that back then.. now I'm crying here 😭😭😭...Good that he met a good production team and partner that can understand him now..


He was savage, I love it. Interviewers should stop asking those type of questions and start being more serious about their jobs.


He is such a smiley goofball hearing that he was judged for being himself is so heartbreaking his voice is getting cracked talking about the experience that he should never have to gone through.. I am really happy he chose kinnporche for his comeback and he got such support... He is a terrific actor and I want to see him in more roles breathing life in them ... He deserves all the success and hype and so much more ❣️❣️


Apo is a beautiful human being and we are blessed to have him. ♥️♥️♥️

One of the KP actors said in an interview that terms like male/female or gay/straight are just words made up by humans to label people - and there’s no reason to put any kind of labels on anyone. I can’t remember if it was Apo or another actor but it was brilliantly stated.


I love what he said "it's none of ur business"...I love him even more for saying this cuz it really is NO ONES BUSINESS


It’s not anyone’s business. He’s living his life. What would knowing his sexuality do for you? I’m really glad he said this. We are in a time where people need to get some business of their own.


So admirable!!! Apo is such a beautiful soul 💕 I wish for a world where all these superficial labels cease to exist and we start seeing humans as humans


Apo was holding back his tears...Poor baby he just wanted to chase his dream, yet he doesn't know all the obstacles that's coming for him


there's nothing wrong with being gay as long as you don't offend other people. just be yourself! we support you always❤


I felt so bad for him, he couldn’t be himself and felt like he was doing something wrong. No your an amazing person and an amazing actor. I’m happy he’s in a better place now. 😁
