Tribal People React to Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot

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Tribal people's reactions to Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot

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Please note that this is a reaction video and contains commentary.
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Credits: carlsagandotcom on Youtube

All the participants in this video are from Sindh, Pakistan.
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#TribalPeopleReact #CarlSagan #PaleBlueDot
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A small request to all of the viewers:
Please be respectful of Abdul's beliefs and statements. Many of you requested in the past to show them space videos, rocket launches and etc and we are almost there. I'd continue this series only if we all can be respectful to one and other. We all come from different cultures, religions, etc yet we have to focus on Carl Sagan's message and try to live in harmony. There are way much bigger problems in the world than to get offended by someone else's beliefs.


Parvati is so sweet. "The moon? We've been there? How?" And "what do they eat? " I love how practical she is


You can see in the eyes and face of that woman that she is so eager to learn new things. I hope she could get as much knowledge as she wants. She deserves it.


"Ustad" is a term used in several languages of Central and South Asia, including Urdu and Hindi, which is commonly spoken in Pakistan. It is used to denote a master or teacher, particularly one who is highly skilled or knowledgeable in a particular field. The term is often used in the context of music or arts, but it can be applied to any field of expertise.

So, when the man referred to Carl Sagan as an "Ustad", he was expressing his admiration for Sagan's knowledge and expertise, particularly in the field of astronomy and space exploration. He was essentially calling Sagan a master or teacher in his field.


I really wish you gave them a word-for-word translation.
Because when heard in full, it is incredibly powerful and moving.
Thank you for your videos, I do enjoy watching them.


"Bro is there anyone to educate a mouse that a cat would eat it?"

What an elegant way of describing instinct. I love it.


The narrator of these videos is so kind and respectful to those whom he interviews. He educates but never indoctrinates, he explains but never patronises. He speaks with respect to every individual man, woman or child. He has no judgement to offer and no derision for any lack of knowledge or awareness. He is made for this role.


The man in the silver hat is a gem. Love his attitude on basically everything. Also, I am loving see the woman come to terms with and grasp some pretty basic info that was simply never presented to her. It really shows the value of education, and it also shows we need to work harder to bring that education to the young women of the world. Really good video.


I really feel for Muharam, he seems so eager to really take in both music, knowledge and experiences. He really try to think and feel about whatever the narrator puts his way and comes up with a view.

It makes me a little sad to see how Parvati doesn't seem to be used to people listening to her opinion and having her own view of things. I think that it's really valuable that the narrator is treating her like the other members and really try to get her to think about things herself.

They're impressive people, all three of them. I think it's fantastic that they're ready to even hear about different views and ideas. They are intelligent people and we can all learn a lot from them.


I remember when i had to explain to my 78year old mum that all the stars we see in the nightsky are actually other "suns" that are far away a few years ago, she did not know until i told her and i was very irritated but came to realise that all of us have different levels of education and knowlege, so we must never stop sharing knowlege and explaining things to each other without judgement or prejudices to keep building a better world for all mankind. greetings from germany


Regarding minute 0:50 : The only reason the prophet was able to say the world is round some 1400 years ago, is because some 863 years _before_ the prophet said that, the greek mathematician Erathostenes made the effort to calculate the circumference of the Earth (in the year ~240 BCE). People have known the Earth is round for more than two-thousand years. Flat Earthers are just a relatively recent phenomenon.


This is the kind of content that should be going viral. As an American this is such an amazing thing to see the perspective of such a different culture.


As an atheist, I am constantly impressed with Abdul's comments. The two of us may disagree on many things, but the strength of his character is more precious than gold. It is a rare person that strikes the balance between sincerity and conviction without running afoul of respect for others. I only wish that more people had his wisdom.


I love how joyfully open-minded Muharam is with every new thing he is presented with. Even if he may not fully understand or believe in something he is still amazed by the novel idea of things.


Although I do enjoy watching the other participants, Parvati gives me the most joy 😀 I think it's because mothers everywhere have had to give things up in their lives in order to raise children, and I can relate to that. Parvati didn't have the chance for higher education, so I'm delighted when I see her shining eyes and know that she has a new nugget of knowledge


Seeing the man with the glasses thirst for knowledge really brought a tear to my eye. We can come from many corners, but yet we're so alike.


"And when they die, they are like tires getting punctured" -- A BRILLIANT observation on what Carl Sagan is talking about


You are so respectful in using your words, in your teachings. Its beautiful to see, how they try to grasp new ideal. And I love how Parvati is confident enough to ask when not knowing something.


This speech of Carl Sagen should be taught in every school on this planet. It's such a beautiful, valuable message. it might help mankind to live in peace and try everything to preserve our fragile planet.


This is probably my favorite of the videos. Hearing Abdul explain complicated ideas with easy metaphors is very enlightening
