Matchmakers Advice: Are Short Guys 'Date-Worthy?'

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Short men seem to get the short stick in the dating world on average, being seen as "lesser than" their tall counterparts.

Join Master Certified Matchmaker Genevieve Gresset and Certified Dating Coach/Matchmaker Heather Drury as they give advice to a man's dating dilemma of rejection based on his physical appearance.

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I’m going to say this once again, It’s not the guy’s confidence, but hers. Guys have to find the woman that feels confident about them(the guy). Yes the best guys can do is to be at your physical and financial peak, but each woman is different and the more options a woman has, the more picky she can get. Some women don’t feel confident about dating a guy that’s short, fat, or too masculine. Some women don’t want to date a short guy because that guy will be shorter than her friend’s boyfriends/husbands, thus giving her the insecurity. Or they only feel confident based on their friends/family’s approval or if she knows the guy will intimidate her ex-in some shape or form. Also by having a taller guy, means other guys will think twice about hitting on her.
I met a woman that said she does not want to date a short guy because her kids would be short. This can be proven by simply going to a sperm bank and the minimum height is 5’9 or 5’10 because the sperm that’s shorter than that usually expires because no woman selects it. ITS A REAL THING.


I am a guy who is 5’4” after being rejected by about every western woman I ever showed interest in, I got my passport and ended up marring a very good looking Asian girl 17 years younger than me. 12 years later we are doing great with 2 beautiful daughters!


Women will never give up their height requirements.


Fellow 5'6 guy here reporting in.
Best advice for short guys. Forget about dating, short women is more strict in the hight requirement.

These women were basically laughing at the guy and just want his money. And giving him a bunch of bulshit advice. They know very well how hard it for a short guy to get a date. They most likely never dated a short guy and never will themselves.

They just want your money.

Accept that you are fucked when it comes to attracting women and then move on from there. Ps: professionals don't descriminate about hight. Although they do discriminate agaist race sometimes.

Anyways, be happy that you are healthy and have a job and enjoy life.


Since Tinder height is no longer a preference. It's a requirement.


I feel bad for this man trying to find help. I'm 48 years old and short at 5'5 as well as completely bald ( if I don't shave my head I'd have the Patrick Stewart hairline) since 22 years old. For the past 32 years, I have been rejected by thousands of women for being too short no matter if the woman was 4'10 or 5'10. How do I know it's because of my height? Well, it's because women boldly tell me things like "Your not tall enough to be a real man", "Sorry but I like wearing heels too much", and the one I hear the most is "I don't do short guy thing". Those are the nicest rejections I received that were mentioned for my height. I don't like mentioning things I have done to prove what I bring to the table because then it makes me sound like I am entitled to have a relationship which I know doesn't work that way but DAMN! I sacrificed so much and work so hard to achieve where I am right now to be independent, financially stable, and even able to travel to the world with a spouse with low-cost benefits. I retired from the Military after 20 years so I have decent retirement benefits that I could share with my wife and kids if we had any. I had my own businesses such as art studios and photography along with a lot of things I like doing as interesting hobbies. I always get compliments on my dressing style and charisma, and generally how I treat people because I love people and socializing. I don't like talking about myself like this but it seems after 32 years of being single and rejected by thousands for my height and at 48 years old it doesn't really matter anymore what I say and I just want to make an example to show the possibilities women miss out when they judge a man by his height and not the substance of what's in his heart. I have been on a few dates over the years however it seems that the only women who will consider white or black men who are 5'6 and shorter normally are morbidly obese women with 3-5 kids from other men and it just seems they are settling for us if we have resources to help raise her kids. Short Hispanic and Asian men have a better chance of dating within their own race because I guess stereotypically 5'5 is average for a man in their race. It's like women of every race see that black and white man are supposed to be at least 5'9 by default other wise any shorter than we are considered birth defects. Seriously, look at sperm bank requirements and you will see one of the requirements for a man to deposit sperm is he has to be no shorter than 5'9 or 5'10. I know I can't be that bad of a guy since a lot of rejections received with women mentioning a "great" personality, sense of humor, and a lot to offer but followed by "I just can't do the short guy thing". Why give a compliment during a rejection when the thing I'm being rejected for is something I can't change about myself (my height). I like being short, I'm 5'5 and according to statistics only 5% of American men are my height I like standing out from the crowd and my attitude toward being short is I like being short because it betters my chances of meeting a woman who taller than me (and heels are welcomed anytime). I paid $8, 000 to a personal matchmaker service where you go in face to face and meet the matchmaker for a three-hour interview. I told them I don't care what race or how tall a woman is or if she even has a job or not, all I want is someone that has no kids because I don't have any of my own and not morbidly obese to the point they can enjoy my active lifestyle. All they called me with to match me had 3-5 kids Exactly what I told them I didn't want. Even a woman missing both her arms rejected me saying I don't do the short guy thing lol I liked her because she was funny with a good personality and carried herself well, we had a lot in common and we laughed a lot. When I finally asked her if she wanted to hang out sometime and meet in person the first thing she asked "how tall are you?" I said 5'5 and the last message I got from her was "sorry I don't do the short guy thing" and never heard back from her again.


"It's all about confidence and kindness". Sorry, but this just isn't true. There are plenty of short men out there who are confident, kind, hard working, loyal and any other positive adjective you can apply, but they still get overlooked by women due to the one thing they can't control. If it was all about confidence and kindness then there wouldn't be so many short men struggling in the dating scene.


Everyone says confidence this and confidence that, but what does it matter if you're confident but also the tall guy is confident? Why wouldn't she pick the confident tall guy instead of the confident short guy?


Sizist? Do you mean not being attracted to obese people? The difference is that one is controllable and indicative of a healthy life style, while the other is determine by your gene pool. Beside, attraction to a specific trait is not discriminatory.


Thanks for this video. I'm even smaller than the guy who wrote in- I'm 5'-4" and 100 pounds. However, I've never felt insecure about my height and weight. In fact, I actually like being a smaller guy. However, I don't like women's unrealistic expectations. But there are lots of 5'-2" women and I wouldn't mind dating someone 5'-6". If she doesn't want to, it's her loss.


relationships are all about initial attraction. for these ladies to say its about confidence or humour or whatever and itz not height is pure BS and insensitivity to the fact that none of that (humor confidence etc etc) comes into play when you dont even get to first base because that women doesn't even consider you because of your height. And Im not even getting into the number thing meaning tall guys get infinitely more chances right out off the gate. Come on be real people


I feel like those stats on women's height are skewed by age (younger cohorts are taller) or vary by area. All the woman I see on dating apps around me are generally 5'4 or taller. I'd say around 90 percent. I don't particularly care if a woman is taller than me, but I don't seek those woman out either. (I'm 5'4 btw). Those are just the woman that appear. And like you say, its not like short woman aren't looking for tall guys as well. As for guys being "sizeist", its not like " heavier" woman are without standards.


You had 2 relationships already, you are lucky, I am 26 in a month and didn't have none at all.


1:21 Dude opens up and y’all start laughing and bring in a tissue??? “Date experts” by the way… y’all are weird and come across as haters


Im 5'6' bald virgin who never even kissed a woman, I'm not ashamed of being short but its just the impossible levels of compensation it has to take for women to find me attractive is daunting. It doesn't matter how much money or how much sucess women are still gonna look at my height, theres no way passed that reality.


Guys women can always hook up with a 6f tall that she likes so much. Women ha e absolutely no reason to hook up with a short guys. In fact most women rather hook up forever with a 6f guy hopping that one will commit than to give a short guy a chance.

We short men are not being rejected we are not being considered at all.

Women woukd rather work hard all they lives then to end up with a guy like us. Apparently being short is the worst possible thing you can be in this day and age. Even rich short men have trouble finding a date.

Best to forget about dating these women (we are just not what they want) and find other interesting things in life.


Those 5'2 women all want guys over 6' tall


I'm 31 and 5'8 tall.
Have never had a girlfriend.
It's a really awkward height because you're tall enough where no one feel's sorry enough to give you a chance, but you're not tall enough to be seen as ''regular/ normal''

I think height is just one aspect of the struggle, you really have to be in the goldilocks zone of being around 6ft tall, educated, high-income earner, independent, not to much/ not to little amount of body hair, well groomed and well styled, politically agreeable, have hobbies and a strong friendship group etc.

I don't have that stuff.
If I don't have anyone inspiring me to do better I simply wont.

Women, despite often themselves being underdeveloped as adults, don't have time for a ''project'' boyfriend.
They have like 15 years to work through a rugby team's worth of men in order to find a suitable breeding match before their eggs are low-viability and they can't make babies.

Such is life.


I find shorter men are more serious, driven, and loyal. Not sure why and I’m sure some tall men are this way but shorter men just seem way more in their masculine energy to me.


Great intentions, but no idea about the male experience.
FYI men don’t care about their height - it the women they want to date. They don’t get the chance to be funny, caring. After experiencing rejection over and over. Eventually men develop a complex.

Real advice: you don’t get to be average. You personality needs to be above average in confidence and resilience.
