Should We Pay People to Move to Mars? (feat. Nasa)

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NASA's plans to go back to the Moon and eventually Mars have been expedited by President Donald Trump. But how long until people are permanently living on Mars, and how will we convince them to go there?

In this episode of "America From Scratch" we explore the ways the government could motivate people to move to Mars and we draw comparisons to when settlers were incentivized to move out West. NASA tells us about their Moon to Mars mission, and why its important for us to become a multi-planet species. Should we pay people to move to mars?

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the real question is: should we still be divided into nations when we as humanity decide to colonize space?


Even if we have a few people on Mars, we are still a single planet species until those people no longer need supply shipments from Earth.


We've got 10 years to get to 0 GHG emissions. If we don't achieve that, a big taste of Mars and Venus will be coming to us.


It does seem a bit off-topic to consider large-scale relocation to another planet (or the moon) when there are so many issues still to address here at home. I like the idea of small-scale exploration and short-term habitation, but huge terraforming efforts and leaps in agricultural and enviro science will need to occur before we can realistically consider habitation on Mars. Of course, the Biosphere experiments in the last century had some pretty cool ideas, so maybe we are further along than I thought.


Makes me wonder if we ever find life on another planet. Would we be invading the land of others like the europeans did hundreds of years ago? Also, Mars should not be split into nations if we "colonize" it.


LoL @ 8:23 "Do we go to planets surrounding Jupiter?" He is definitely an administrator and not a scientist.


So glad I found this channel through the “Say It Loud” recommendation


Wow super cool video and channel idea! Def subscribing!!!


This season is feeling less like "What would we do if we built America From Scratch" and more like "What should America do regarding ____"


Honestly... they need me. People like me.
I've always been very fit, active and healthy. I've always had a keen interest in learning and education, and have a vast understanding of random sciences and random knowledge.
On catch... I'm dying. Cancer. I have nothing to lose.
I'd ABSOLUTELY go to Mars on a one way ticket. I'd happily give my life for the betterment of science and exploration of a new world. I'd work and study and then die when I couldn't any more. Beats the hell out of my current life, watching TV, studying, training, sleeping, TV, studying, training, sleeping... etc.
Right now I just kinda do nothing but learn, and workout and teach the occasional class when I feel well.

If they could find a group of people like me, who have nothing to lose but a passion for science, that would be perfect.
Send me up with a huge supply of anime and sitcom DVDs and I'll work for free. Lmao I'll happily plant potatoes, collect rocks, build settlements... whatever. Then watch ash ketchum catch em' all at "night". .

Sounds like an absolute dream! :D


My main concern with any sort of effort to colonize Mars would be that the demographics of the settlers would be skewed towards able-bodied (because astronauts are required to exercise multiple times a day to offset the effects of being in space), affluent (if private companies are involved), and otherwise not truly representative of humanity (because discrimination in hiring/choosing potential settlers) until a) it takes significantly less time to get there and b) the habitats are secure/safe/large enough and technology advanced enough to allow people on Mars to live more or less as they would on Earth.

That leaves a window of time decades or possibly centuries wide wherein, if Earth were to become unlivable for humans (a real possibility due to climate change), several marginalized groups of people would basically be left behind to die. I get that any portion of humanity surviving such an event would be good (for the survival of our species, at the least), but that just smacks of eugenics to me. It makes me wary of the long-term goals of anyone advocating for the colonization of Mars.


I just wonder how "sustainable" colonizing Mars would be. After your supplies designed and produced on earth break down over time, then you're done. I mean, humans would still be earth dependent. Also, energy is a crucial consideration here. Once humans reach peak cheap oil (some argue we already have), I'm not sure how likely it is that we would be going to Mars anyway. My understanding is that fracking has been overrated.

We should look into nuclear energy and figure out how to live a more sustainable life on earth first... If we end up forced into a steady-state economy (rather than a growth-focused economy), then we probably won't have a complex enough society to do much space travel anymore anyway.


Whatever it takes to get to Mars is worth it for the simple facts that building materials like iron are plentiful, the environment can be made locally habitable more easily than other places like the Moon, and the gravity is such that a space elevator could be constructed we current technology. If we go to Mars to stay, we can go everywhere else. Mars is the escape from our gravity well, and can even allow us to easily harvest the solar system to support the population of Earth. Mars is the first step toward space-faring post-scarcity.


Pay them... hmm. Perhaps "all expenses paid" would be better.


Wouldn't money be irrelevant to Mars colonists?


so when robots cultivarateamatize the first banana on mars book my flight


"Earth has it's set of resources and that's it. Other planets have other resources." That quote is at approximately the 8:00 minute mark. Humans are literally trying to become the bad aliens. The aliens that we make scary movies about.


i wonder if humanity is every gonna start just moving back and forth between mars and earth. We destroy one planet or overcrowd it, or a big meteor wrecks it, and we move to the other planet to let the first one heal and nature take over again, then in a few thousand years we move back when we wrecked the second planet.


Every country involved in the project should contribute financial support to settlers, and there should be a good cross section of representatives from participant nations.


they say when u get to mars you get come back cause we dont have the fuel we need to carry so why dont we make space stations in space with that we can buy fuel to come back
