Top Things EVERY Player Needs To Know! | Torchlight 3 Tips + Guide

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Torchlight 3 has a lot of things that are not explained, but impact your gameplay in a huge way! Some of you may know, but many might not so we're going to cover the top things you need to be doing!

Slotting Pet Skills - 0:34
Flipping Contracts - 1:39
Maximizing Potions - 2:50
How to Get Fort Buffs - 4:20
How to Grow Your Luck Tree FAST - 6:22
How to Get a BIG Luck Tree Bonus - 7:59

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Рекомендации по теме

Target dummy in your fort is really useful to replenish relic energy for free before for going into a map or Dun'djinn


Also place your luck tree near your entrance. Other players can donate to it. Doing so gives them an extra luck buff. Putting it at the entrance makes it easier for players to donate, if you are on multiplayer that is. Got my tree leveled super fast that way.


Dusk mage light and dark bars don’t drop over time. If your main attack is dark you can spam the heck out of that but leave your secondary light attack as a generator and stop using it one or two attacks before you hit harmonic mode. Then, when you come up on a boss you can quickly jump into harmonic mode for some burst.


This game has so much space to grow, I am excited and concerned. Hopefully the devs dont nickle and dime us for future content.


Oh, you can actually donate to the monuments in other forts as well to get a temporary bonus to fire and poison defense and gold luck.

I think the optimal strategy for the luck tree is to vendor greens and sacrifice everything else.


Hey Vulkan, thank you for this video! I'm very excited to play this game for a very long time now. I just love the world and that I can play a couple of times a week. I love this content and watch every video of yours about this game. Cheers from Brazil


I'm really enjoying it so far, and I've only seen a small sample of the legendary effects so far.


watching this while im downloading it for switch, gonna be fun!


I just go into the fort and collect all items, then set everything I need next to the teleporter. shorter distance to travel.


Shame the current crafting system feels like a placeholder. Yes, you can "craft" into the gear slots, but outside of that, gathering mats (stone, trees etc.) seems pointless.


3 tips for new players: CRIT CHANCE, CRIT CHANCE, CRIT CHANCE. The pet passive, usually the gloves when leveling, any skill passives you can find with them.


Game needs more tutorial tips in general..
Good tip video! Thank you


Thanks so much for all the tips Vulkan! As always you keep us informed with the inner workings and hidden treats! That's just how BabyDaddy rolls. Have an awesome night and see you on the internets* XD


Nice video. Seems like they are developing it closer to how D2 was with hidden mechanics and simpler style. I didn't like previous 2 mostly bc art stylee was toony but am interested


This is a placeholder for Lost Ark and Diablo 4..I'm enjoying it so far. However I really need to find a faster killing build


Also you can assign wasd to movement, playing sharpshooter much more fun like this you can actually kite enemies and bosses


I've been hearing friends say T3 is bad, but playing it im liking how they've improved the graphic style and the effects are all pretty pleasant. The game lacks stat leveling which I miss but the skill trees feel nice even though I don't know if I'm quite sold on the relic system yet. Seems like you can kind of pick a bad relic and it screws your class over.


What is the difference between the single player mode and multiplayer mode?


About level 15...I'm an OG gamer and consider myself damn good at most games (ARPG and RPG, especially), but some of the stuff in this game is so convoluted, it's almost a sin on Perfect World as a dev.


Wanted to know the diffraction between playing singleplayer and muriplayer
