Calculate End Time Tool ArcGIS

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Calculate End Time Tool, Fields Toolset, Data Management ArcToolbox
Calculates the end time of features based on the time values stored in another field.
End Time Field values are calculated using the time values from the Start Time Field. The end time value for a record is equal to the start time of the next record. For the last record in the table, the end time will be equal to the start time.
The table is first sorted by the fields in the ID Fields parameter, then by the Start Time Field. After this sort, the end time of any row is the same as the start time of the next row.
This tool is useful when the intervals between Start Time Field values are not regular, and you want to visualize the feature class or table through time using the time slider. See A quick tour of temporal data management and visualization and Irregularly spaced temporal data for more information.
The End Time Field value for the last row will be the same as the Start Time Field value for that row.
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اليك صفحه ومجموعة على الفيس بوك لتعلم أكثر بما يخص نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) و برامج ArcGIS من خلال هذه الروابط:
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اعداد وتقديم المطور والباحث في مجال نظم المعلومات الجغرافية حسام جعبه
رام الله - فلسطين.
GIS for World of E-Learning
Calculates the end time of features based on the time values stored in another field.
End Time Field values are calculated using the time values from the Start Time Field. The end time value for a record is equal to the start time of the next record. For the last record in the table, the end time will be equal to the start time.
The table is first sorted by the fields in the ID Fields parameter, then by the Start Time Field. After this sort, the end time of any row is the same as the start time of the next row.
This tool is useful when the intervals between Start Time Field values are not regular, and you want to visualize the feature class or table through time using the time slider. See A quick tour of temporal data management and visualization and Irregularly spaced temporal data for more information.
The End Time Field value for the last row will be the same as the Start Time Field value for that row.
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احترف التعامل مع البيانات الجغرافية من خلال برامج ArcGIS:
تعلم اساسيات إنشاء قواعد البيانات الجغرافية من هنا:
اليك صفحه ومجموعة على الفيس بوك لتعلم أكثر بما يخص نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) و برامج ArcGIS من خلال هذه الروابط:
مجموعة على الفيس بوك ArcGIS :
مجموعة على الفيس بوك GIS for WE - ArcGIS:
صفحة الفيس بوك GIS for WE:
رابط فيديو مقدمة تعلم على برامج ArcGIS بثلاثة مراحل :
اعداد وتقديم المطور والباحث في مجال نظم المعلومات الجغرافية حسام جعبه
رام الله - فلسطين.
GIS for World of E-Learning