Ms. Marvel: The Dawn of Modern Marvel

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Kamala Khan A.K.A. Ms. Marvel was a big success for Marvel, but very clearly marked the company's entry into the "woke" era of "SJW Marvel".

Special thanks to our Patrons for helping make this possible!
The Brain Teaser, Bonnie Davies, Senita Mahoney, Jonathan & Megan Pierson, David Adler, Alex, Milton Appling, Jonathan Aresse, Ralph Braganzan, Ethan Dannen, Yoav Haimovitz, LookWhosFhtagn, LuHeDi, Scott Nesmith, Casper Qvortrup, Andrew Shaffer, Talentless Hack, Vydal

The songs "Roort" by Kupla and "Drops" by Cocabona X Glimlip were provided by Lofi Girl.

Tags: #Marvel #MsMarvel #KamalaKhan
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releasing Ms.Marvel, a geeky fangirl, during the height of tumblr’s heyday/just 2013 in general was such a smart writing move. it’s no wonder that her first run was so popular. it makes so much sense for the world we live in now with social media that there would be people like that in the marvel universe. i’ve always liked that about her character


I love Carol as Captain Marvel, but recently, when I was re-reading a lot of Carol stuff, I realized that she was a much better character before she became Captain Marvel. She used to be a B-list character, meaning that she could have funny filler arcs and adventures that someone like Captain America couldn't. Being a B-list character also meant that she could have more nuanced struggles that all the A-list superheroes don't always have. But, as soon as took on the mantle Captain Marvel, and became A-list, all the old stuff went down the drain. Like her alcoholism and fear that nobody would like her if she didn't have superpowers. I haven't seen that referenced in years.


Marvel definitely oversaturated themselves with new diverse characters. Without giving any particular one the spotlight during crossovers, and *really* not caring about the quality of the writing in some notable cases, potential fans were given nothing to invest themselves in.


I really liked snowguard from the champions books, a mystical shapeshifter with magical connections to spirits. She was honestly one of my favorite parts of that series, and it makes me sad that she wasn't given more time to shine.
The biggest issue with pushing all these new characters is that if you find one you like, chances are theyre stuck in limbo since theyre either not super popular or marvel doesnt know what to do with them (please give me more gwenpool i beg of you)


Marvel shot themselves in the foot by introducing a lot of these diverse characters all at once, especially the characters that replaced the ones before them.

I think a lot of these newer characters are really good, but for a while there Marvel didn't do a good job at not making it feel forced


Current Marvel is like walking through a minefield. For every successful step, you get heroes like Ms Marvel, Miles Morales, etc. However take one wrong step and you end up with shit like Ironheart.


Diversity ≠ Inclusion. Mainstream companies need to understand that lesson.


THANK💗YOU For Including
That #StanLee Snippit.
He Was Sooo Wonderful &
Understanding... I Even Got
A #MEGO Doll Of Him!
My 1st Comic Was Literally
This HUMONGOUS Chistmas
Annual; I STILL Have & 2nd
Was #Transformers #3 (Spidey).
I Just Adore How He Totally
Includes: "Gender & Bigotry".
Much Like #LindaCarter Does
Thesedays! She's A Real Life
#WonderWoman in EVERY Sense!


I just came here to say that the second you said there have probably been 2 or 3 ad breaks it immediately cut to an ad. Excellent timing


After I get done reading Bone I’ll start reading some Ms. Marvel I love everything the character has appeared in shes a great character and the few stories I gave read Ive enjoy. I Really want to get more invested in this character.


"I guess at this point there's been like...2 or 3 adbreaks?" (Immediately cuts to an ad) 😂


Definitely agree on the end rant there. I don't have a comic book store anywhere near me. I only am able to pick up trade paperbacks when they're available and I only find out which ones are coming out via friends on twitter. Otherwise I'm just left in the dust.


10:20 yeah no, there are plenty of teens in anime that actually look like teens. It's actually more common for them to look like teens, than to not


I'm not sure if I'm in the minority here but I actually really loved Champions. And though it's been a little while since I've re-read it, I don't really recall the humor being really off or anything? There was a specific period of time where I followed ms marvel's appearances accross different series, so i read ms marvel, champions, secret warriors and avengers, and while i could tell that the tones would be different between series due to being written by different writers, having different casts of characters, being in different story arcs, etc, it never really felt like Champions was flopping on its delivery to me personally. Would love to hear more specifics about the reasoning behind anyone's opinions on the series, from anyone who disliked it or liked it for particular reasons.


Yup! they really suck at advertising. Sometimes I can't even figure out which book I"m supposed to buy next, especially if I"m behind and needing them in trade paperback


*One of the few good things from Modern Marvel you mean. That and Immortal Hulk, Donny Cate's Venom run, Donny Cates' Thor run, The fact that New Warriors got canned, etc.


I love this Stan Lee clip. I've used it too. More people need to see it so they can understand what Marvel has always been about.


Marauders is one of my favourite series from the x books so people should definetely check it out. I actually like the first run of Champions to start with but I do agree that they did add way too many heroes towards the end and especially in the next run instead of focusing on the core members of Ms Marvel, Nova, Viv Vision & Spider-man Miles Morales. Weirdly, I got into comics around the time of the all new, all different marvel era after enjoying most of the MCU films and becoming curious about the source material.


Love yourself first and most
Believe in yourself
Quitters never win and winners never quit
Don't give up and never give in
Ignore those who try to discourage you
Hang on to your dreams
Take control of own destiny
Take care of yourself
Keep moving forward
Stay strong
Stand tall and be brave


This video is great, and actually pairs really well with a recent video essay by Sarah Z called "The Rise and Fall of Geek Culture, " where she analyzes the time period (centered around Avengers in 2012) where geek culture achieved mainstream status, and the resulting negative impact on geek communities. Kamala represents perfectly that elevation of geek culture into the forefront. And Mark Waid's failure to meet the Gen Z moment was the perfect summation of the limitations of geek culture.

It's nice to be reminded of the wonderful moment that was the Carol Corps, as well as a genuine reminder of how intuitive and logical Carol's "promotion" to Captain felt at the time. What's mind boggling is that, in the fallout of Carol's decade as Captain, along with her becoming a motion picture icon, the expanded audience seems to have settled into two extreme views of her. The mainstream, male, conservative side see her as being a forced diversity push. But even more surprising is that a lot of the core, female, comic-reading audience that used to make up the Carol Corps seem to view the character derisively as being a "Space Cop Karen." Obviously there are many factors that influenced this polarity (press surrounding the movie, stories like Civil War 2, the evolution of intersectional feminist ideas in fandom), but it has still been a trippy ride. I think we would all be happier if we lived in a timeline where Kurt Busiek and George Perez used Monica Rambeau on their 1998 Avengers revival, and Monica was able to leap frog into the A-list instead of Carol. But that's another video...
