Who to Blame for Disunity in the Church

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Very well said. God bless you. I expect Protestants bashing Catholics, but dismayed Catholics doing it.


"Unfaithful bureaucrats cosplaying as Bishops". Wow, sums it up perfectly.


Personally, when I see division like this, I think we should each try to live more holy lives.
The Lord is in control in the end. If we are faithful to him, he will be faithful to us


Jesus wants every one of us to follow him. If some of our Church leaders don't that's between them and God. All I can do is pray that they get it right, "And he said to all: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23."
God's will be done.


At the end of the day, the Holy Spirit is in charge. Popes and bishops have been trying to destroy the church since st peter got rebuked by Jesus, ironically right after establishing the church on peter btw. So the sooner Armageddon happens, the better it is for everyone. Maranatha


It all comes down to the family, say the Rosary and we can inspire others to follow suit. Promote the Rosary, Brown Scapular, and Miraculous Medal and we can help make the Novus Ordo more reverent.


You hit right on the head of the nail. I think his Holiness is after traditionalist Catholics to distract the attention, and precisely avoid accusations for his mismanagement and I would dare to say his intention to destroy the Church Jesus founded. But we are not blind or naive to let this happens, as it is our duty to preserve the teachings and doctrines received from Jesus through his Apostles and faithful sucesores. Many have tried to do that but will always fail.


Oh wow! That was really, really good.


The SSPX is based. God bless you Bryan. Not fully in agreement with your stance regarding the SSPX, but I appreciate your openness and youre actually acknowledging who's truly at fault in regard to the Crisis in the Church,


I have been flummoxed by the Holy Father's attention to detail when it comes to cracking down on a *very tiny minority* (vocal critics of the pope and episcopacy post-V2) within another very tiny minority (TLM attendees) of truly devout Catholics who love God, the Church and Her doctrines, Mass, and practice the faith regularly....and squaring that with the silence from the Holy Father with regard to a very vocal *majority* of the episcopacy in Germany who are actively dismissive of doctrine, are disobedient to the Holy Father, and are promoting wide-scale division instead of It's mind-boggling! I can only suspect that Pope Francis' cadre of advisors are so scared of a return to tradition and loss of their own post-V2 preferences and influence in the Church that they've overblown the TLM issue to Francis in order to save themselves; and are down-playing to him what is happening in Germany because they personally are in favor of it. I believe Pope Francis loves the Church and tradition and Her doctrines, but that he is being misled about what is truly happening in the Catholic world. I'm saddened that his legacy may well be so stained with poor decisions and management, when his austerity and devotion to the poor are so inspirational


Perhaps doing exactly what His Church requests of us, and nothing less, and nothing more, is the only real and lasting achievement of our non-concupiscentic lives.


Brian: Congratulations! Your eyes are almost completely open. I would love to hear what you think when your beard is gray.✝️


Yet who are you to decide who is to blame. Only God and him alone shall pass judgement and blame


Good video, but the autogenerated captions are pretty low quality.


Does Brian attend a Novus Ordo Mass or a traditional Latin Mass?
Does anybody know this?


all truth here. But I must add that we absolutely must be praying for the wolves, the hirelings, the blasphemers, the heretics and all of us who led astray. Honestly, I would have to say that even the most devout among us have been affected by all the tampering of the Faith for many generations. The Traditional Catholic teachings are the way, in charity, humility and obedience, love and courage. And man oh man is it tough. Prayers and penance


But what about the Pope saying there is no hell?


I thought he was going to say I don’t blame ppl attending sspx, I blame the bishops in sspx for duping people


Please don't think that the SSPX is immune from any of that.


It is a shame that you cannot reconcile yourself with attending mass celebrated by FSSPX because you cannot recognise that Saint Marcel Léfèbvre was an instrument of the Holy Ghost in anchoring faith & liturgy to Truth
