Convolution Integral Example 04 - Convolution in Matlab (2 Triangles)

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This example also computes the convolution of two triangle functions, i.e. y(t) = x(t)*x(t) where x(t) are triangle signals and * is the convolution operator. This is the same problem examined in Convolution Integral Example 03.
However, convolution is performed in Matlab in this example. We show how to appropriately account for the sampling interval (i.e. dt) when using the Matlab convolution operator.
The final convolution plot from Matlab is compared to the analytic results obtained in the previous example, and as expected, they match.
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Convolution Integral Example 04 - Convolution in Matlab (2 Triangles)
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This chapter closes now, for the next one to begin. 🥂✨.#iitbombay #convocation