So Haunted No One Will Enter! Alone in UK Most Haunted Abandoned Hospital!

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#haunted #paranormal #abandoned

Tonight I explore and investigate a haunted abandoned hospital alone, on the outskirts of a small Welsh town. the hospital has sat abandoned for a number of decades and explorers that have entered the property report strange occurrences such as disembodied voices calling out, footsteps from empty rooms and even full shadow figures appearing in the hallways. tonight i head inside alone to try and capture real paranormal activity of my own

if you enjoy all things scary then stick around as i try the capture paranormal activity in the most haunted and abandoned places weekly.


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I'm on my wife's phone here so this is nothing to do with her, my brother worked in that place, and used to tell me stories about the place, like the screaming woman running through the wards at night, sometimes when I gave him a lift to night shift he'd say that he hated the place at night and things happened there that just didn't make sense


First time I see him. I have to say I like this guy, he isn't dramatic and has respect for what's going on. He's respectful of his surroundings and " whats with him "


Brother, I am a combat veteran who is never nervous and rarely spooked by things, and I love the channel, but I get so much anxiety watching these things when you are alone in these places. Please take someone with you, everyone you have had with you are all great, and I thoroughly enjoy your channel.


A few weeks ago I started a part time job cleaning an old house converted into NHS offices. I was told that the previous cleaner wanted to leave because the place is haunted. I clean after 5.30pm so no staff are there. Today I saw someone open the disabled toilet and go in. Feeling a bit annoyed that a staff member was still hanging around and messing up my system i continued to clean the toilet next to it and wait until they finished. BUT, no one came out. Then I noticed the light wasn't on as the switch is outside the toilet. So I tried the handle and it opened to an empty toilet. I saw them go in, and no one came out! Also they didn't flush or wash hands. Ghosts are dirty buggers!!
I'll inform you all if more happens!


Oh Adam! I so love your paranormal investigations! Having lived in a haunted house for 11 years this really intrigues me. My youngest son was tormented by what was in that house and I saw more than I can explain here! You have nerves of steal and I am truly in awe of your compassion!


I don't know how u did this alone😱 great episode. Thanks Adam


Adam say a protection prayer before entering these haunted places u are brave soul the hospital had realy creepy vibes .
Stay safe Adam 🙏


When Adam said “can you tell me if you were one of the children that lived here”? … the spirit talker said … “ no I won’t “ … I got the shivers ..


We love Adam, the only one to watch!!


Your a nice lad Adam. TAKE GOOD CARE wherever you TREAD!!??. 👍🚶


I once asked my stepfather if he had ever had any unexplained experiences. He said that he and a bunch of tough hairy arsed truckers, got a job clearing out an old workhouse, that had latterly become a factory. He said that they had never worked so hard in their lives. They couldn’t have done it any faster. He said that the atmosphere was so oppressive and depressing . The building is still there and it’s now flats, I often pass by it and wonder if the residents feel/ see anything ! They must have been such dreadful places, and those poor people suffered so much 🙏🏻 By the way, you are so very brave to do this alone !


Watching this before bed, and my dumbarse cat pushes the bedroom door open and nearly gives me a heart attack!😅. Such a creepy explore tonight..had me right on edge😱


Wow that was a really creepy one. Well done for not sprinting out of there at times! And it’s Just the ticket to watch before bedtime 😂.


I get very concerned for you when you are alone and in such a negative setting. Please Please be careful!! Spirits like these are Very unpredictable and dangerous. I know I would feel better if you had someone with you!! Stay safe!!


Wow!!! Adam and anyone else see the massive orb fly down when you were in the children's ward. It was so big and clear. Approx 16.12 in to the video 😲💖


That was great Adam, loved the hospital. You really needed someone with you just in case you get hurt. Bring on the next one?


I would be surprised if it wasn't Haunted. My grandmother died alone in a hospital from terminal cancer.


Big orbs in the childrens ward at 16.12 and 16.37. Adam, you are very brave to be by yourself. Please make sure you keep your protection prayers up.


I used to work there and i could tell you some stories about that place, did you find your shoe laces being undone all the time.?That was one of the most common annoying pranks 'they' did to us there.
And i give you massive props being there alone, i stayed in my office on nights when alone when it had just closed down.


I’m in Wisconsin, USA, and I’m excited because this is my first live stream!!!
