Digitalisation in health: fostering an inclusive transition

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30 June 2021 - CHES Policy Dialogue

Speakers: Ilse Mariën, Senior Researcher & Unit Lead 'Data, Governance and Communities' imec-SMIT-VUB; Ioana-Maria Gligor, Head of Unit Digital Health, European Reference Networks DG for Health and Food Safety, European Commission; Jan-Philipp Beck, CEO, EIT Health; Michele Calabrò,
Policy Adviser, European Patients Forum, Sofia Salido Tahoces, EMEA Vice President for Strategic, Solutions Product Portfolio, Johnson & Johnson

Moderator: Hans Martens, EPC Senior Adviser, Chair of CHES

Reflecting on the use of digital tools in health during the COVID-19 pandemic, this CHES policy dialogue discussed the role digital technologies can play in the transition towards more resilient and effective health systems. Speakers explored ways to foster an inclusive digital transition that offers accessible and quality health to all citizens and reflected on the role of the EU in achieving this.
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