An Introduction to Spaghetti Squash: Yeah Strands like Spaghetti! - The Rusted Garden 2013

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This is a fun squash to grow. I provide you with some basic growing information to help you decide if spaghetti squash is a vegetable you may want to grow in your garden. When cooked, the vegetable meat scrapes out like strands of spaghetti. It takes on the flavors of the sauces you prepare it with and it really can be use like a pasta. Cover it with some of your heirloom tomato sauces and you have an Italian dinner right from your garden!

New to Gardening? Check out my 2nd Gardening YouTube Channel dedicated to New Gardeners. The videos are longer and more detailed. Each video presents as if you are new to gardening.

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My mom always grew spaghetti squash growing up. I haven't grown it myself yet, but this brings back good memories. I'll have to give it a go!


I just started gardening and this video is very helpful


I'm super excited, we enjoy eating spaghetti squash, it's a healthy and tasty side dish. I decided to save some seeds and planted some right away and this morning I have 3 sprouts coming up. I guess I should have watched your video first, didn't realize how huge they might get. Thanks for sharing this and what to watch for!


for the powdery mildew I used a baking soda spray.


Great video. Really informative, good format, you covered everything I needed to know. See it growing, a developing baby squash a ripe one. Plant pest and growing problems. Then taste, and cooking. Perfect, brilliant, thanks a million👍👍


This video was helpful thanks, my spaggetti squash was just laying on the ground and I wasn't sure how to hang it. railing seems good.


First time having my own garden and we planted 2 spaghetti squash in about 10 ft by 10 ft garden... It's basically the entire garden it's so big are loves growing. that's why I'm here lmao


Your right. They are a winter squash and actually can stay on the vine till tan yellow. You should also cure them about a week once picked. The one I picked was very large and had a thick hard skin. It was close enough and I needed it for a weekend video.


This was my first year growing spagetti squash. I only got two squash off the plant because vine bores got to it. I baked one and I ate it with spagetti sauce it was yummy.


Yep. I want to grow more but have to be selective. This is a good one.


Im glad you liked. Next time if you put an insect dust on the stems. Very targeted, it will kill off a lot of the borers and beetles that wander around the stems


The always get soft bodied insects on them so I soap spray them regularly.


I got seeds for this, but never grew it. Thanks for all the good info. I'll try growing this next year.


They are pretty tuff. I havent had that problem but soft bodied insects like the undersides of the leaves.


Technically they should turn fully tan/yellow. They are a fall squash. Ill be doing a harvesting video down the line. Once you pick them they should cure in the house about week. I have picked really large ones before with some green on them and they turned out fine. The skin should be hard.


Planted this year first time I definitely will watch for bugs Im near u in Delaware. Humid and rainy For June 2018 4 plants hopefully will give me a nice harvest thanks gary


I’m growing spaghetti squash now! Wow it’s rained so much in Maryland lately the plant is growing like a wildflower, now I’m trying to figure out what best plant support for the plant to grow up since I have it in a pot. Since all of the rain it definitely has gnats around it. I love this squash it had been definitely been a learning experience. Your video offered great advice. Thank you


good plant to grow if you don't like weeding.. ive never seen anything quite like it before... it seems to seek out a weed wrap its tendrils around it and choke it to death and continue to conquer the land like some vegetable warrior.... scary bloody thing to grow... I wouldn't like to be a weed in the path of this garden monster cause nothing stands a chance growing next to it


So glad you posted this, Its exactly what mine is doing. I thought it was radiated or something.


I might have to give this a try at growing it. I really enjoy eating it as I do all squash. Seems like everytime I plant squash, it grows a few leaves then dies. Even zucchini that everyone grows!! LOL
