Webinar - Automate Testing of your SCADA Gateway, Data Concentrator or Protocol Converter

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Data Concentrators and Gateways are commonly used to aggregate device communications in complex SCADA systems. Often mapping thousands of data points from hundreds of IEDs, and frequently converting between various communication protocols, configuration is notoriously complex.

To ensure correct configuration, verification testing of point mapping and behavior is commonly required for customer acceptance. Due to scale and complexity, this testing has traditionally been performed manually. Time consuming and prone to error, each point must be tested one by one. Complexity increases further when protocol conversion is utilized, as characteristics or capabilities unique to one protocol can be translated in unexpected ways which are difficult to test using traditional methods.


Using the Automated Gateway Test Module, a powerful new module within Distributed Test Manager (DTM), this testing can now be largely automated. With DTM, data mapping and protocol conversion is tested faster and more reliably than possible via traditional methods. Easy scaling and repeatability make regression testing possible were previously impractical. Finally, without the need for physical IEDs, testing may be performed at any stage in the engineering process.


- Rapidly deploy accurate simulations of each IED within your SCADA network
- Quickly specify thousands of point-to-point gateway tests across single or multiple protocols, i.e. DNP3, IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5, etc.
- Execute thousands of individual tests and view detailed results in real-time
- Use both default and custom Gateway Test Actions
-Quickly scale up test coverage by exporting Gateway Test Actions for several points to Excel and replicating to a large number of points


Software engineers
Software engineering managers
Substation Field Technicians
Anyone who wants to save time & money when deploying substations
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