2 Reasons Why This Colour Analysis Client is Not a Deep Autumn or Deep Winter #coloranalysis
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Many people receive a True Autumn colour analysis result from me who thought before their analysis that they were a Deep Autumn (or Deep palette in general). In this video I share 2 common reasons people overlook when making this Deep colour analysis palette decision.
Yay True Autumn for this virtual colour analysis client!
I am filled with appreciation for this client sharing her update with all of us… if you choose to comment I hope you share your appreciation as well! PLEASE NOTE: this client has done her photography best and is enjoying her True Autumn colours… totally cool if you do not agree with the result… but please comment respectfully towards this clients’ experience and enjoyment with her results that she is experiencing in person. We are cracking down on hateful and hurtful comments on our client posts and if a comment is deemed of this nature, you will be blocked. please see our first pinned post on our page for more info #carolbrailey #colouranalysis #coloranalysis #sparkle #undertone #naturalbeauty #authenticity #colouranalysistok #coloranalysistok #personalcolouranalysis #personalcoloranalysis #colorseasons #colourseasons #trueautumn #deepautumn #deepwinter