Joe Bonamassa: Let's talk about Jeff Beck…

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For tabs and text of this video lesson, see the May 2024 issue of Guitar World -
In this column, Joe Bonamassa talks about his admiration for the late, great Jeff Beck. He was one of Joe's greatest heroes, as he was for millions of others and just about anyone that’s ever picked up a guitar.
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I love that Joe wears his heart on his sleeve when it comes to every one of his guitar influences and heroes. Good dude.. Thanks Joe. 😊


Jeff always knew how to surprise, and always left you wanting more.


I know many people talk about the Beano album as the as the seminal Les Paul thru a Marshall moment but for me it was Jeff Beck and the Truth album that got me hooked.


Jeff Beck's spirit lives on. Any time you hear someone taking it to the next level on an electric guitar, the spirit of Jeff Beck is there!


When I first saw Jeff Beck in 1964 in a band called The Tridents playing at Eel Pie Island, he was playing a beaten up Telecaster.


Jeff was, and arguably is the best guitar player, overall, ever. RIP Jeff.


I always thought Jeff Beck's brain had to wired different than everybody else, to come up with the riffs and phrases that he played. He was the first rock guitarist (to my ears) to have a very distinct human voice element to his playing. The call and response between himself and Rod on the Truth album was something I'd never heard on record before, either. Always loved his playing.


Joe can bring a smile to my face with just a handful of notes.


And to think he was doing it all decades ago… he use to come the the Montreal Jazz Festival, there’s stories of him meeting drummers and them hanging out for days comparing notes on the different worlds of music they’re in. Down to earth guy like no other.


For me it was Blow by Blow. I was probably not even 10 years old when I bought that album, listened to it over and over again. Probably the first album I ever bought.


Spot on Joe. I had a similar epiphany when I first saw Jeff in The Yardbirds here in the UK. Later, my band, Sugarcane, played support to The Jeff Beck Group, with Rod Stewart on vocals, Ronnie Wood on bass. To watch Jeff from the wings was just amazing. I've loved, and been influenced by, his work all my life. His death was such a tragedy. He had bacterial meningitis, which is curable if diagnosed quickly, and intravenous antibiotics given immediately. I contracted it in my forties and very nearly died, but for the quick intervention by a second doctor at the hospital.


The solos on "Evil-Hearted You" and "Mister, You're A Better Man Than I" on "Having a Rave Up! with the Yardbirds" are still some of the most expressive and searingly lyrical electric guitars solos ever recorded. They moved me when I was eight in 1966 and they still get me.


A great tribute to a legend. Joe’s examples are sublime.


Big respect for Joe as you will be hard pressed to find a more humble and kind person in the music industry! He truly is a fan of his instrument and always shows reverence for those who we all listen to as our musical hero’s ! He’s a great resource for learning the history of the instrument for me! I really appreciate the way he’s kept the Blues players from Europe in his videos and playing ! He’s a goldmine wealth of knowledge and a young player could benefit so much just listening to him play and teach history of the guitar! He has always kept this child like and true fan appreciation for all the great players and he’s never lost it no matter how successful he becomes ! A true gentleman and I can’t express how much his pod cast and lessons mean to me! He’s so busy and he still finds the time to pay respect to all the cats I’ve loved since the music bug bit me in the early 60s! The guitar community appreciates you more than you will ever know ! Jimmy Peter Rory Eric Paul Gary and Jeff plus many others do as well. A great person well beyond his life as a player ! A true ambassador for the guitar!Thank you!


joe is dead on about the Blues deluxe solo, its like jeff saying let me take a solo that is not a blues solo and turn into a blues solo, pure brilliance


Growing up in the 60s hearing songs like Shapes Of Things and Over Under Sideways Down made me sit up because I’d never heard a guitar sound like that . There was a gap when I didn’t really hear Jeff particularly the Jeff Beck Group era on the radio but when Beck Bogert and Appice and Blow By Blow came out then that was a whole new ball game . Never missed a show in Scotland from BBA onwards until the last tour with Depp . Someone once described Jeff as the greatest off the wall guitarist and that’ll do for me .


Beck, Page, Hendrix, and EVH all expanded the possibilities of what the guitar could be, each in a different and wondrous way, capturing my attention and inspiring me. The first time I heard Beck, I couldn't believe I was hearing a guitar. What a genius!


I saw Jeff Beck play the Brighton Centre Sussex a few years ago. The man had so much soul, from Celtic ('Mná na h-Éireann') to opera, ('Nessun Dorma') jazz and rock. One of the best gigs I've been to, a mesmerising player.


Bravo for tributes to Legends of guitar, including you, exuding hearts & soul through playing these incredible instruments as you do; it’s a language mastered through strings. Thank you for sharing and love the ‘ole Rock & Roll and Blues that you share with us. Would have loved to see You & Jeff Beck play together! Thank you! Keep it rollin’!


Hendrix, Beck, Van Halen. Top 3 imo when it comes to uniqueness, imagination, creativity, emotion and down right bad ass musical attitude.
