Anything Worth Holding On To (Matt Bloyd and Chrissy Metz)

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I'm back with another video with the amazing Scott Alan but this time I have the incredible honor of singing with my dear friend and "This is Us" star, Chrissy Metz. "Anything Worth Holding On To" is an incredibly moving song that Scott wrote about his struggles with mental health and suicide. In the studio, we really delved into that and the results left us raw and in literal tears. Chrissy, Scott, and I hope you enjoy our new rendition of "Anything Worth Holding On To".

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Filmed and edited by Ace and Don Barro

Produced and arranged by: Scott Alan, Matt Bloyd, and Chrissy Metz
Engineered and mixed by: Travis Atreo

Filmed in Collaboration with: Create Music Group

A portion of the proceeds made from "Anything Worth Holding On To" will be donated to Project Semicolon, an organization dedicated to the prevention of suicide.
“Anything Worth Holding On To”

Lately it seems, I've lost inspiration
It feels like it's miles away
I sleep through the day
And cry through the night time
I'm caught in an empty space

Takes effort to find
I don't have the strength
I'm holding on to what's still left of me

When the life you had planned
Slowly slips through your hands
When it feels like you just slept through all the best years of you're life
When you can't find your way
When each day ends the same
When you've lost the fight inside of you
Is there anything worth holding on to

It's hard to be strong
When weakness is stronger
I'm a prisoner in my own skin
I'm not good on my own
I need to be cared for
Someone to help these days begin

There are dreams I've let die
That I just pushed aside
I need to find out how to turn this dark back into light

When the warmth disappears
When it's been one of those years
When you're running from the truth because well
your scared of what you might find
When your heart's beyond repair
When you wake and no ones there
When your home consists of only you
Is there anything worth holding on to

Maybe tomorrow my heart will reawaken
And I can find what I've been searching for
But today I'm tired and I'm running out of strength
All I know is I can't live like this anymore

When you're so far from home
When you've lost all signs of hope
When you're searching for salvation
But it feels so far away
When the words have disappear
And the melody's unclear
When there's nothing left inside of you
Is there anything worth holding on to

Cause I will still be holding on, to anything worth holding on to
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Hey everyone, I'm SO EXCITED to share this with you all today! Let me know what you think!!


when you're happy
you enjoy music
but when you're sad
you understand the lyrics


When I heard this I sat in my car and sobbed from the depths of my heart. This describes EXACTLY how absolutely broken, lost and alone I felt for so long after my divorce. It truly feels like there’s nothing left to even hope for. Thank God I did hold on (by a frayed thread) to finally feel the relief of taking a full breath. There is ALWAYS hope!!!


In November of 2020, I lost my husband of 33+ years to cancer. This song has been my anthem since. I still sleep through the days and cry through the nights. My home, once filled with love, laughter, children, and hope, is now mine alone. Just me and the ghosts of my past. My kids and grandkids are busy with their own lives and I am here with my 2 old dogs. Thank God for them. Now, I just wait. Next will be my turn to join those gone before me. I think sometimes, going last is a punishment. Never take those around you for granted. Each day is special in it's own way. Don't wait for special moments. Find special moments in your time waiting. ❤


I found this by accident....I LOVE it when that happens, especially when it turns out to be an ABSOLUTELY AMAZING SONG, with INCREDIBLE HARMONY. I'm 70, & never heard of y'all, but I'll be listening now. I cried like others. The words are so true. I'm a FIRM believer in LIVING THRU THE HARD TIMES, NO MATTER HOW ROUGH, GOD WILL HELP YOU GET THROUGH IT....just TRUST HIM. Imagine what you would miss.... & there's A LOT. SO, YOU must FIGHT TO LIVE EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! You MUST find one tiny thing to hold on to...I don't care if it's your favorite soda, ice cream, saving turtles or imagining how your dearest relative who loved you so much & is in heaven now, would be heartbroken to know you gave up on YOUR LIFE. Hold on to your favorite song or something that actually brought you happiness at some point in your life. U see, my days are numbered now. I might have a few yrs & I might not. It's slowly eating at me every single day, because I have a million things, I still want to accomplish but don't have the $$$ or am not well (healthy) enough to do some of them. Still, I'm FIGHTING TO THE VERY END TO KEEP GOING and praying daily God will bless me with many more yrs despite the pain I will have to endure 24 hrs each day, 7 days a week. It's harder than u can imagine. But, it's all worth it to see a child smile, to hear my grandson & daughter's voices ...they live 1500 miles from me. I miss their hugs so very much. It's worth it to find a beautiful song like this one. So, NO MATTER WHAT, YOU SEARCH (and don't stop) until you find the one person or thing (even a pet) that makes you smile & brings joy into your life. MOST IMPORTANTLY, get rid of ALL THE TOXIC PEOPLE & things that bring you down, or are negative. Walk away quickly holding your head high because you're the better person. You want to be around positive, happy people. You may find it hard, but it's so worth it once you get past worrying about what 'the negative ones think'. You only need to be concerned about your health and peace of mind. If you ever need someone to talk to, reply to me here and I'll find a way to communicate and listen. I'm a 24/7 listener & friend/helper to ANYONE...friends, family (if they really care about me) & strangers. You see not all family members do and it's heartbreaking, but you'll get through that too. It doesn't matter if you're a stranger. I'd rather be a listener to someone I don't know, than to hear a person gave up because no one cared, or they thought there was no solution. There's ALWAYS a solution &....I CARE. GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU SAFE, WARM & HEALTHY. Bluebird :)


“I’m a prisoner In my own skin” I felt that


"I've been laying in bed for 4 days now, I honestly don't know how am even writing this atm, cuz I have been suffering in here, I honestly am just so damn weak to the bone that I can barely hold my head up anymore. I thought of this song and felt the NEED to hear it right now... glad I did. Cuz now I know I'm not "COMPLETELY" GONE'""" I still have tears 😭 😢 can someone please pray for me and my family. Thank-you and goldbless


It’s crazy how singing about the weakest and darkest parts of the human experience is SO strengthening and enlightening. ❤❤❤❤


I suffer from depression. And this song just hit me. It’s like it’s speaking what my heart can’t. It’s absolutely beautiful.


This is how you tell someone you are slowly dying inside.


I just heard this song couple weeks ago!! I play it everyday!! Depression is real. I spent my life raising my children alone and caring for my mother who was hit by drunk driver. Children grown and mother passed 2 yrs ago after living 36 yrs after accident! Thank you both for saying everything i feel!!Hoping to find the light!!💖


To all the people feeling hopeless, I pray for the healing of your precious souls.🙏🏽💙


Depression is real. To those you have been lucky and not experience it, do not dismiss your friends that do experience it. Every time I listen to this beautiful song, I ask myself the question, "Is there anything worth holding on to for me?" And every time, I answer yes, and I choose one thing and I thank God for that one thing that I have to live for. God gives me strength again to move forward. Chrissy and Matt, Thank you for this absolutely beautiful song. The words make me look deep inside of myself. Both of you have absolutely beautiful voices.


This song! For those of you who dont know this is what depression feels like. Every. Single. Day.
Thank you so much for this!


Their voices are so incredible next to each other. They were made to intwine on harmony together. Incredible! 🥺😢


I'm crying all over this song. Jesus, thank you for being my Saviour. I'm holding onto you because I trust you with my life. I love You, Jesus 🕊❤️🙏🏽


When you suffer with depression and anxiety, it's hard not to cry listening this. I would listen to this when i feel alone.


Lately it seems
I've lost inspiration
It feels like it's miles away
I sleep through the day
Cry through the night time
Caught in an empty space
It takes effort to fight
I don't have the strength
I'm holding on to what's still left of me
When the life you had planned
Slowly slips through your hands
When it feels like you just slept through all
The best years of your life
When you can't find your way
When each day is the same
When you've lost the fight inside of you
Is there anything worth holding on to?
It's hard to be strong
When weakness is stronger
I'm a prisoner in my own skin
I'm not good on my own
I need to be cared for
Someone to help these days begin
There are dreams I've let die
That I just pushed aside
I need to find out how to turn this dark back into light
When the warmth disappears
When it's been one of those years
When you're running from the truth because your scared of what you might find
When your heart's beyond repair
When you wake and no ones there
When your home consists of only you
Is there anything worth holding on to
Maybe tomorrow my heart will reawaken
And I can find what I've been searching for
But today I'm tired and I'm running out of strength
All I know is I can't live like this anymore
When you're so far from home
When you've lost all signs of hope
When you're searching for salvation
But it feels so far away
When the words have disappear
And the melody's unclear
When there's nothing left inside of you
Is there anything worth holding on to
Cause I will still be holding on, to anything worth holding on to


I tell everyone “the task ahead of you is never as great as the power behind you “ in this recent picture I am a 20 yr survivor of MS. And 60 yrs old. I just got thru a divorce with my ex husband of 45 yrs. God never left my side . But I’m legally blind and permanently disabled. But I lost. I get nothing. But I’m the one who wins I got God. I was praying this morning for funds to buy all my meds I needed. My friend told me this” Anita instead of telling God about your huge problems and obstacles. Do this”Tell your problems and obstacles how huge your God is. My favorite verse in the Bible is”silver and gold I do not have. But what I do have I give to u freely. Now get up and walk. And that’s what I did. Glory to God


Oh my god that's my life, I just heard this for the first time right now. And I recognize the beautiful woman's voice. She's from my goodness. This is us or something like that. These 2. It's too oh I can't even explain, im crying, right now. It's ok to cry...sorry I don't even know what im about, and im 60😢. This song hit me. It made me think so. Thank you so much.❤.
