April & May 2018 Manga Haul

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This video was a little rushed because my battery was about to die while filming. This is also more like a mid-March through May haul, but that doesn't make as good of a title.

Any feedback on the volume levels in this video would be appreciated. I noticed it was kind of quiet and I did my best to fix it. It sounds fine to me now, but I've thought the same thing before and people complained that it was too quiet. Hopefully this video is loud enough though.

Thanks for watching! Links below.

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Hikaru no Go is a great series! Besides Dragon Ball its probably the shonen series I've read/watched the most.
Lots of great pick-ups this month! ^ ^


I think you did a stellar job on the video, pacing is really good and you don't ramble which a lot of amateur YouTubers seem to do. I was also wondering why are buying heaps of manga you've already read and effectively paid for online?


I really enjoyed tropic of the sea, it isn't going to blow you way or anything but the art is really nice and if you don't go into it with a ton of expectations than I think it is a worthwhile read. I also love she and her cat, it's the perfect title for someone my age (I'm in my early 20s) and it's something I can really resonate with. Great haul!


Oh, I love that Haikyuu Art book or what it was. I wanna get that. Guess I need to order from Japan again haha. Great haul!
