Python : Variables and Identifiers and Data Types | Python for EDA

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Python Identifiers and Variables - Python for EDA

In today’s video, we are going to teach you about the Identifiers and Variables in Python. Python identifiers and Python Variables are the basic building blocks of Python programming.

#PythonVariables #PythonIdentifiers

What are Python Identifiers?
Python identifiers are user-defined names that represent a variable, function, class, module, or other objects. If you name a programmable entity in Python, it is technically called an identifier.

What are Python Variables?
Variables in Python represent a unit, and the value can be changed as needed. Ideally, it is a memory location that retains its original value. We can find the value from our code by searching for the unit.

00:16 – Agenda
00:27 – Python Identifiers
02:11 – Reserved words
02:37 – Variables
06:03 – Data Types
07:37 – Python Variables

To learn about Python Identifiers and Variables in-detail, browse the full video.

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------------Pyhton for EDA-----------

---------------Special Thanks----------------
Recording Center - Takshila Learning
Faculty - Munmun Ghosal
Topic: - Python for EDA -Variables and Identifiers and Data Types
Video Length: 29:22

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