U.S. military intervention in Venezuela would be catastrophic and unjustified: Lavrov

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폼페이오 만난 러 외무 "베네수엘라 군사적 개입은 재앙될 것"

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has warned that U.S. military intervention in Venezuela would be catastrophic and unjustified.
Lavrov made the comments on Monday after holding talks with his U.S. counterpart Mike Pompeo in Finland.
The two diplomats met on the sidelines of a meeting of the Arctic Council amid simmering tensions over the crisis in Venezuela.
The U.S. has backed opposition leader Juan Guaido and Moscow, President Nicolas Maduro.
Pompeo said he had a "good conversation" with Lavrov about Venezuela and other subjects and he hoped to make progress with Moscow in areas where the two countries have common interests.

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