Oriental Brothers International Band / lead by Dan Satch - Kelechi / LIVE in Owerri 2022 (Nigeria)

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Oriental Brothers International Band of Africa
Otro video Exclusivo de Palenque Records, hemos traido de vuelta a las leyendas del Highlife
desde Nigeria !! los Oriental Brothers , los padres de la champeta africana.
Live in 2022 , Owerri. Nigeria.
video by Palenque Records , Hollywodoo Films and Odogwu Entertainment.
New album coming soon !!

Oriental Brothers uno de los grupos africanos mas queridos en la costa caribe de Colombia, desde los años 70s. Orientals Brothers es un grupo legendario con su cantante Sir Warrior y el espectacular Kabaka, bajo la batuta del musico Dan Satch Opara. Se pueden contar entre los papas de la champeta , entre otras influencias que dieron nacimiento a este genero musical. Palenque Records presenta en exclusiva este nuevo video filmado en Owrerri, Nigeria, y muy pronto lanzaremos el nuevo disco de esta agrupacion legendaria en el mundo entero, con millones de seguidores, leyendas vivas del highlife igbo en Nigeria.

The Oriental Brothers International Band is a popular Igbo highlife boy band from Nigeria [based in Owerri] for several decades, known for their powerful lyrics (whether it be of proverbs, or specials being dedicated to special people in the country of Nigeria), and deft instrumental work (whether of the lead guitar, or the conga man's professional play of the congas in their break sections of songs) with their unique style of highlife. The Original Oriental Brothers International consisted of five members; Godwin "Kabaka" Opara [leader of the band, and rhythm guitarist], Chief Christogonus "Dr. Sir Warrior" Ezewuiro Obinna [vocalist, also know asUltimate Dr. Sir Warrior from 1993-'96], Ferdinand "DanSatch" Chukwuemeka Opara [Founder, lead guitarist, bass player till 1976 when self-titled album, featuring song "Murtala Mohammed," released], Livinus Akwịla (spelt "Aquila" in English) Alaribe [conga player and maraca player], and finally, Fred "Ichita" Ahumaraeze [drummer]. Later members came at the time of the band being, such as Charles Boumda, Aloysius (Aloy) Anyanwu, and Tony Awoma [who was apart of the band with Satch in the beginning before the band formed, but left because he could not stay in one place].

Their album, "Uwa Atualamujo/ Ihe Chinyere," was their debut album for the band, recorded in Decca West Africa Studio in 1973. Their popularity wouldn't rise until their 1974 album, "Oriental Brothers International," released and became a hit, with track B2, "Ihe Oma," becoming most popular out of the six tracks for it's lyrics and popular rhythm guitar melody, which was continually used in their highlife, merengue, and makossa style songs (Such as "Onye Obula Zoba Isi Onwe Ya" [Warrior], "Anyi Abiala Ọzọ" [Oriental Original], "Elu Rie Ala Rie" [Led by DanSatch], and "M'Leghe Onye" [Anyanwu]). The band was also in some troubles of their own at some cases, where disputes broke out and members left for forming their own bands. Kabaka was the first to leave, for the sake of feeling uncomfortable for leading someone else's band, and forming his Kabaka International Guitar Band, Ichita and Aquila leaving next to form their own band, The Great Oriental Brothers International Band (which was a massive flop), Aloy Anyanwu leaving to form the State Brothers International, and finally Warrior leaving to form Dr. Sir Warrior and His Oriental Brothers International Band. Warrior became the most popular out of all the bands, with Kabaka 2nd, Anyanwu 3rd, and DanSatch 4th in popularity. Two compilation albums were made to credit the popular works of the Oriental Brothers when they were the Original Oriental Brothers, which was "The best of: Oriental Brothers International," and "Heavy on the Highlife!" with the inclusion of two extra tracks, Warrior's "Na Kwa Echeki," and DanSatch's "Ihe Eji Aku Eme." Though DanSatch, Kabaka, and Warrior were of their own bands (excluding Aquila and Ichita, because Ichita passed in the early 80s, and Aquila moved to DanSatch's Orientals, then later moved to Warrior's, and became more like a regular member of the band, and lost less recognition), they, altogether, made two albums, putting aside their differences and collaborating together to make an song as the Originals, though they never formed back again.

"Anyi Abiala Ọzọ," and "Oriental Ga-Ebi" were the only two albums created as a collaborative effort of the three former members, before the passing of Warrior. Even after the passing of Warrior, DanSatch & Aquila, accompanied with a few other former members, including Kabaka in some cases, played old songs live to bring up and still popularize the name of the Original Oriental Brothers International. Warrior's two sons, Uche and Ajuzieogu Obinna, also try and commemorate the memory of their late father, by paying tribute in their tribute album, and performing live at conventions, singing songs of Warrior from the 80s-90s in His Oriental Brothers International Band.
Рекомендации по теме

🇨🇮🇨🇮🇨🇮From ivory coast and i love Nigrerian music


The best guitarists in Nigeria are ibos. No doubt. I enjoy ibos music because of the sound. ❤


Very nostalgic taking me down memory lane in Cameroon Bamenda
My best neighbor Mr Okechuku Daniel usually wake us up early Sunday morning with oriental brothers. God bless this band 👏👏🙏🙏🙏🙏🤣


I don't understand any word they are saying, but the first time I heard this song I was inspired to shake body as y'all would say 😅 will always be my favourite song to listen to


Most of you youngsters don't even know that Dan Satch wrote this song. He sang every song he wrote to Warrior and to all the vocalists who joined after Warrior's departure, he is not new to singing, he is only new to singing lead. Their new album is beautiful.


If it's not gold it can not be gold for without Dr Sir Warrior Oriental brothers lacks it's salt


I was somewhere in my teens when it came out and I'm 60 years old and I still enjoy this song.❤❤❤❤


Wonderful music always reminds me of the good old days when men were boys


Talented men, chaiii when shall we people like this again, they tried the difference is not much


The musician are skillful no difference between the live and the record . Bravo !!


Nobody said anything about that dancer 😊😊 she's damn good


“A very nice music” thanks for the rendition as I can re-enjoy it again… long live the Oriental Brothers Music!


My dad was right about the civil war, he said Igbos were the best highlife musicians before the civil war, even better than Ghanaian highlife musicians but the musical prowess of the East declined after the civil war…


These talented musicians produced a memorable album just after the war. The war was inspiration to some of the tracks in the album. It is a great previlage to see them play together mindful the leader singer at that time is no longer with us. He was the greatest vocalist from the south east.


Opem Dan Satch, jisike sir...who's dancing with me💃💃💃💃


Noce pero aqui en la costa suena lindo ese tema


I truly love this song, though I don't actually know what they are talking about.


Wow I love what am seeing. He’s looks more younger


Aquilla great drummer, much respect Sir


Je pense que Niboma Canta, un chanteur congolais (RDC) reprit cette chanson sous le titre "Double Double". Ailleurs, on parlerait de plagiat.
