Run Madagascar Fundraiser - Londolozi TV

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I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew...About two months ago I decided it was time for a challenge, to change things up and see what could be achieved. At around the same time I met Pete Fleck, who had just arrived for the Ranger Training course at Londolozi. After speaking to him for a while it became apparent that this was someone who would also be up for an adventure...

And so, on the 31st of August, Pete and I will cross the start line in the 7th edition of the RacingThePlanets Roving Race. The race takes place in Madagascar this year, and is held over 7 consecutive days covering 250 kilometers. Through a variety of different terrain, over hills, across rivers, and during the sweltering daily temperatures of the Indian Oceanʼs largest island we are running not only to push our limits but to run for something far bigger than ourselves...

Whilst the adventure of running through Madagascar is certainly exciting, Pete and I are unanimous that this challenge should be used as a platform to raise awareness for the challenges that are faced daily by young rural Africans seeking an education. Many of you will be familiar with the Good Work Foundation, a registered NGO that has been working with grassroots education in Africa since 2003.

"To lead a focused, achievable and digitally-[em]powered education model for rural Africa"

We have set ourselves the target to raise ZAR 300,000 in the 100 days between now and the end of the Madagascar race.

I think we all have moments in life when we feel we have "bitten off more than we can chew". I know I have, and I know Pete has. Usually things work out with a bit of help, and it is for that reason that we ask for your help over the next 100 days to help us achieve our goal of raising 300,000 ZAR to help the GWF continue changing lives in rural Africa. Here are three ways in which you can get involved:

3. Make or pioneer a corporate donation from your business / organisation

Obviously, as you can imagine, there are a range of difficulties faced when trying to train for a marathon in 11,000 hectares of wilderness shared with lions, elephant, buffalo, rhino and the odd leopard, however we are determined to overcome these, and will be posting weekly updates and stories from our training! Keep an eye on the blog in the next week or so for a catch-up on our first months of training, and for a proper introduction to both myself and Pete.
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Wow - 2 people taking big steps to make a huge difference.  Well done - I'll be following your progress for sure.
