BD seminar 2024/03/27: Assessing eco-evolutionary dynamics

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Assessing eco-evolutionary dynamics to answer key questions in macroecology and biogeography
Speaker: François Munoz, Université Grenoble Alpes
Moderator: Catherine Graham, WSL
Date: 27 March 2024

The question of the respective roles of ecological and evolutionary determinants of current biodiversity remains central and still lacks answers.
The difficulty lies in integrating the wide range of spatial and temporal scales at which these determinants operate, and in inferring the influence of processes from current observations of species assemblages and the limited fossil record.
In this presentation, I will introduce a new type of eco-evolutionary modelling, based on a coalescence approach, aimed at meeting this challenge.

About th speaker
François Munoz works at Université Grenoble Alpes. His research concerns Ecology, Biogeography, and Evolutionary Biology. It mainly investigates the mechanisms underlying population and community dynamics at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Theoretical and methodological approaches are developed and applied to study tropical and temperate ecosystems (tropical forests in India and New Caledonia, grasslands and weed communities in Europe, and high-elevation peatlands in Bolivia).

The Biodiversity Seminar Series (BD-Seminars) are organized by the WSL Biodiversity Center. Every two weeks, we aim to host a seminar speaker that presents research or outreach on topics relevant to the biodiversity community at WSL. The seminars are public and are usually broadcasted online.

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