Pastor JJ || 'Go, Tell John!' || NJC Church Online || Morning Segment || Sabbath, September 11, 2021

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Join the North Jamaica Conference for NJC Church Online Sabbath Service. Theme: "Dejected, But Not Rejected!" Divine Hour speaker: Pastor Jermaine Johnson - Music, Communication & Education Director- NJC. The title of today's message is "Go, Tell John!" A blessing awaits you.
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y confiar en Dios es el primer paso que puede dar para acercarse al Oidor de la and relying on God is the first step you can take to draw closer to the Hearer of


aliviados estamos! ¿Cómo te beneficia la oración? Si reza a Dios de la manera correcta, él le dará lo que necesita para hacer frente a sus relieved we are! How Does Prayer Benefit You? If you pray to God in the right way, he will give you what you need to cope with your


puede traer alivio, y cuando oro, siento que estoy hablando con alguien que puede ayudarme y disipar mis miedos ”. Nos consuela cuando can bring relief, and when I pray, I feel that I am talking to someone who can help me and allay my fears. ” He comforts us when we


Biblia dice: “Arroja tu carga sobre Dios, y él mismo te sostendrá. Entonces él te fortalecerá. El nunca permitirá que caigan los Bible says: “Throw your burden upon God, and he himself will sustain you. Then he will strengthen you. He will never allow the righteous to


no te obliga a orarle. En cambio, te pide amorosamente que lo does not force you to pray to him. Instead, he lovingly asks you to do


oración no es meramente un ritual religioso ni una curación de la mente. Nos dice que nos acerquemos a is not merely a religious ritual, nor is it a healing of the mind. He tells us to get close to


no te obliga a orarle. En cambio, te pide amorosamente que lo does not force you to pray to him. Instead, he lovingly asks you to do
