Funcom only cares about pvers #conanexilesps4 #conanexilespvp #conanexiles #conanexilesgerman

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EVERY F'd up thing FunCom has done was for the PvP. EVERY correction is because the PvPers couldn't handle the change they whined for? 😢

Really should be: "PvEers when the Devs give PvPers what they asked for again."😡


For me PVP And PVE should be a real different thing different balance different in all aspects but unfortunately Funcome is so lazy and ignorant to see the difference


Pvp people are toxic little ppl that feel bad bout them selves irl PVE is nothing but good vibes... Well most of the time


The most substantial communities in Conan Exiles are RP communities. Serious PVP junkies are few and far between. Hardcore PVP players are more demanding and picky about the smallest changes to combat. It's easier to please RP and PVE communities then PVP communities. Besides they are larger then PVP communities.

Just the way it is, not saying PVP players are wrong about what they say in regards to PVP balance, just that they put more importance on the issue then RP or PVE players.

Hell even the tone of this video just shows the typical rage infused PVP spirit. Not that im offended by it. It's an aggressive community, and if you ain't aggressive you probably don't have what it takes to be in it. They take it serious, because the want to get good at it.


How you feel about them taking God bubble out
