FAMiLY CHECKUP from Doctor Adley!! Playing our favorite games in REAL LiFE or ROBLOX! Niko sick day
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flippin the donut to decide 🍩 REAL LIFE or ROBLOX!!
HEY EVERYBODY!! It's been a long weekend at our house.. Niko has been really sick, so Me, Dad, and Navey have been trying to find fun things to do so that we don't get bored. So we decided to make an A for Adley video about things to do when you are bored at home! We started by writing down all the things that we like to do.. but then we decided to play Real Life vs Roblox! Basically, we pick something to do, then we flip a coin "or in our case.. a donut" to decided if we do that activity in real life or in Roblox! It took us a little while to write down all our ideas, and while Me and Dad were doing that, Navey got some string to make a trap that would warn us if anyone tried to come down to the basement while we were playing. After we finished setting up our trap it was time for our first idea which was... FAMILY in ROBLOX! Navey decided to go hang out with Niko and Mom while me and dad got on Roblox to play pretend as as kitty cat family! I was the baby kitten and Dad was my parent! We explored the world and did lots of fun things as cats! We went down waterslides, got shot out of a canon to food island, and even had a kitty dance party! The next activity was HOSPITAL in REAL LIFE! We decided for this one, that we would do a check up on Niko to hopefully make him feel a bit better! So we packed up one of our A for Adley sticker pox kits and headed upstairs! First we checked Niko's temperature, then we got the turkeys out of his ear, and put a cast on his arm! Then Navey decided that she wanted to pretend to be sick, so we did a check up on her too! Then it was time for the next activity which wasssssss FASHION SHOW in ROBLOX! We got to work picking out our outfits for the fashion show! The first category was "First Day of School" so we made sure to get a backpack too.. they even had a backpack that looked like the A for Adley Neon Rainbow backpack from out Back to School merch!
my last video - BRAiN GAME with Adley Navey & Niko!! Finding Memories in JELLO a family 2023 Recap Movie by Dr Dad
my dad's last video - NiKO'S BRAVE AMBULANCE RiDE 🚑 Adley & Navey Surprise him with a GiANT MONKEY! Mom saves the day
watch the latest G for Gaming here - CRAZY ANiMAL HOSPiTAL!! Adley has Sticker Pox and Navey is a CAT! Doctor Dad vet routine check up
Bye vlog *pshhhhh*
HEY EVERYBODY!! It's been a long weekend at our house.. Niko has been really sick, so Me, Dad, and Navey have been trying to find fun things to do so that we don't get bored. So we decided to make an A for Adley video about things to do when you are bored at home! We started by writing down all the things that we like to do.. but then we decided to play Real Life vs Roblox! Basically, we pick something to do, then we flip a coin "or in our case.. a donut" to decided if we do that activity in real life or in Roblox! It took us a little while to write down all our ideas, and while Me and Dad were doing that, Navey got some string to make a trap that would warn us if anyone tried to come down to the basement while we were playing. After we finished setting up our trap it was time for our first idea which was... FAMILY in ROBLOX! Navey decided to go hang out with Niko and Mom while me and dad got on Roblox to play pretend as as kitty cat family! I was the baby kitten and Dad was my parent! We explored the world and did lots of fun things as cats! We went down waterslides, got shot out of a canon to food island, and even had a kitty dance party! The next activity was HOSPITAL in REAL LIFE! We decided for this one, that we would do a check up on Niko to hopefully make him feel a bit better! So we packed up one of our A for Adley sticker pox kits and headed upstairs! First we checked Niko's temperature, then we got the turkeys out of his ear, and put a cast on his arm! Then Navey decided that she wanted to pretend to be sick, so we did a check up on her too! Then it was time for the next activity which wasssssss FASHION SHOW in ROBLOX! We got to work picking out our outfits for the fashion show! The first category was "First Day of School" so we made sure to get a backpack too.. they even had a backpack that looked like the A for Adley Neon Rainbow backpack from out Back to School merch!
my last video - BRAiN GAME with Adley Navey & Niko!! Finding Memories in JELLO a family 2023 Recap Movie by Dr Dad
my dad's last video - NiKO'S BRAVE AMBULANCE RiDE 🚑 Adley & Navey Surprise him with a GiANT MONKEY! Mom saves the day
watch the latest G for Gaming here - CRAZY ANiMAL HOSPiTAL!! Adley has Sticker Pox and Navey is a CAT! Doctor Dad vet routine check up
Bye vlog *pshhhhh*