I asked 55,000 people “Who’s the Best Spider-Man”…

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Ranking the actors who have played Spider-Man in a movie ! #spiderman #marvel
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I hate comparisons like this. Why would you compare a voice actor to live action actors? And why is Miles Morales on here and not Peter B. Parker from Spiderverse? This is like comparing Korra to the two people who played him in live action and someone who pretends to be Aang at a birthday party.


The real winner in this argument is subjectivity 💀


I love all three equally, but I’d rank like this
1. Tobey - he’s the OG and the goat, balances faithfulness with story really well
2. Tom - though not faithful enough until later movies, Holland’s portrayal was quite good. They got aspects of the high school right, he makes his own web fluids, and not to mention, he went through a ton of struggles and everyone forgot him
3. Andrew - he’s a great spider man no denying, but his first two movies are so convoluted and confusing bc there’s so much going on.

This is just my opinion


Okay the list is great but where is Youri Lowenthal? man gets no credit for his amazing take at the character didn't even get a single award at GOTY


4. Shameik - He's really good
3. Andrew - He's really good, but his movies sucked, he had a great redemption arc in No Way Home, but to say he's the greatest is just glazing
2. Toby - He's really good, and his movies were great
1. Tom Holland - He's the most balanced spiderman, y'all will agree with me in a few years lol


Tom Holland is the best Spider-Man. He simply is.


Andrew is first you are blinded by nolstagia Andrew embodies what it means to be Spiderman and he has the best live action love interest when he coaching the kid to put on the mask that to me is more Spiderman like than anything the others have done


Never Put a Voice Actor above an Actual Actor


What was the point of the poll if you dont even care what it says? The poll was accurate


It’s good that we haven’t had a bad one all of them and they’re movies are great


Even though I like all these actors as their respective versions of Spider-Man, I will say that I don't remember Tobey cracking a lot of jokes as Spider-Man. So I'll go 4. Tobey, 3. Shameik, 2. Andrew, 1. Tom


For me I'd go 1) Garfield 2) Maguire 3) Holland (I love Shameik too but I never rank/compare live action acting with voice acting so he's just in a different category imo) I love all three live action Spider Man actors but Garfield is the best actor out of them and would have knocked it out of the park if he got a better script and movies around him. Garfield and Emma Stone are largely the only thing that makes the TASM movies worth watching. Their chemistry and relationship was perfect


If we had this poll before nwh
Andre would've been 3rd or 4th 💀


4 great spidermans. You can really make an argument for any of them in any order


Guys, he's not saying these are objectively the best, he literally never said that the pole was wrong, he just said he didnt agree with it, the only thing suggesting that he did think the list was wrong is him saying "let's fix it" which I do think was some bad wording
as for why certain spiderman werent included, its because theyre not on screen as much, the spiderverse movies clearly focuses mostly on Miles' story, we don't even get to see the other spidermen and spiderwomen origin stories, it'd be kinda unfair to include them because they don't have as much screen time and we don't know as much about them, the only other spiderman/spiderwoman we know as much about as Miles I'd say is Gwen, and even then I'd say it's still not as much as we know about Miles
He couldn't have even put that many characters in the pole, the maximum is five

I do think including a voice actor was a bit of a strange decision, especially if you're going to rank the actors and how they perform in their movie instead of actually ranking the spidermen generally


Andrew especially in the first movie just didn’t feel like Peter to me. He was a fine Spider-Man but as Peter Parker, not so much. He just acts like an angsty teenager who skateboards everywhere.
Tobey is just the full package to me. When I think of spider man/peter Parker, I think of tobey. I have a strange feeling that people perception of Andrew has been skewed by no way home. What I mean by this is that people are only now saying that he’s great or even better just because he genuinely gave a great performance in no way home. When you trying to judge a great Spider-Man, you gotta judge the whole package. That accounts for the movies (I.e the amazing Spider-Man 1 and 2). Tobey all the way.


I feel like with Andrew Garfield, there's some revisionist history there.

It wasn't until post No Way Home he started getting massive love, before that film, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was in talks of one of the worst comic book movies ever.

Tom Holland has potential moving forward, if Marvel would take off the training wheels.

In Homecoming, he was basically Iron Boy Jr., Far From Home got slightly better and No Way Home a large portion of the movie is him with Toby and Andrew.

Put him in something where it's JUST him dealing with a threat and flesh him out some more


1. Andrew Garfield
2. Tobey Maguire
3. Tom Holland
4. Shameik Moore

Andrew and Tobey are pretty much tied, but I like Andrew just a little bit more


My list 1. Tom Holland 2.shameik
Moore 3. Tobey Maguire 4. Andrew Garfield


Finally!my favorite sideman Andrew Garfield have won at last!
