Рубато. Башҡортса йәнһүрәт. Мультфильм на башкирском.
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Рубато. Башҡортса йәнһүрәт. Мультфильм на башкирском.
Насладитесь этим красивым CGI 3D анимационным короткометражным фильмом об уличном музыканте, который живет в нищете и одиночестве. После встречи с бездомным псом, его жизнь принимает другой поворот. Создан ESMA и талантливыми режиссерами Феликсом Ферран, Флорианом Магнин, Джорданом Меркреди, Корентин Прово, Марджолайн Робин!
Источник видео:
1)For those of you who don't know, "Rubato" means stolen in italian
2)Most importantly, it also refers to the italian musical term 'rubato' or 'tempo rubato' which ask for a musician to play slightly loosely with the tempo in order to emphasize certain key notes, to give the music a more human feeling. That is the huge difference between machine precision playing and humanly felt interpretation. The former is boring , while the latter stirs the soul.
3)The 'tempo rubato' is well illustrated in this short animation film... at the beginning, the old man is reliant on his metronome to keep the beat, simply because he is down and out of loving feelings in his heart, and his music is clearly lifeless. After his encounter with the stray dog, his heart opens up and his music become inspired with loving feelings, it sets him free and is thrilled when he realizes that he does not actually need a metronome anymore! There is a great sense of freedom for a musician once he/she get to that stage in his/her musical journey!
#Йәнһүрәт #МультфильмНаБашкирском #Башҡорт #Башҡортса #БашҡортсаЙәнһүрәт
Насладитесь этим красивым CGI 3D анимационным короткометражным фильмом об уличном музыканте, который живет в нищете и одиночестве. После встречи с бездомным псом, его жизнь принимает другой поворот. Создан ESMA и талантливыми режиссерами Феликсом Ферран, Флорианом Магнин, Джорданом Меркреди, Корентин Прово, Марджолайн Робин!
Источник видео:
1)For those of you who don't know, "Rubato" means stolen in italian
2)Most importantly, it also refers to the italian musical term 'rubato' or 'tempo rubato' which ask for a musician to play slightly loosely with the tempo in order to emphasize certain key notes, to give the music a more human feeling. That is the huge difference between machine precision playing and humanly felt interpretation. The former is boring , while the latter stirs the soul.
3)The 'tempo rubato' is well illustrated in this short animation film... at the beginning, the old man is reliant on his metronome to keep the beat, simply because he is down and out of loving feelings in his heart, and his music is clearly lifeless. After his encounter with the stray dog, his heart opens up and his music become inspired with loving feelings, it sets him free and is thrilled when he realizes that he does not actually need a metronome anymore! There is a great sense of freedom for a musician once he/she get to that stage in his/her musical journey!
#Йәнһүрәт #МультфильмНаБашкирском #Башҡорт #Башҡортса #БашҡортсаЙәнһүрәт