Large Intestine 18 | Support and Rushing Out | AcuPresence® Point Location Series

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Large Intestine 18 | Support and Rushing Out | Learn how to locate on your own body
Invocation: At Support and Rush Out, I let go of what no longer serves me and allow the glory and inspiration of heaven to rush in.

Spirit of The Point:
This point offers us the supporting hand of the heavenly father as we let go of whatever has outlived its purpose. As we release what’s no longer useful, an inner portal opens and the great diamond of our true essence reveals its heavenly light. From this higher perspective we open to fresh insights, inspirations, and creativity. It’s like a massive spring-cleaning as we let go of the non-essential and allow the inspiration and glory of heaven to rush in. Our experience of the world becomes a magical dance as our soul embodies the shiny precious jewel that we are.

Invocation: At Support and Rush Out, I let go of what no longer serves me and allow the glory and inspiration of heaven to rush in.

Learn about the Healing Art of AcuPresence®
The transformative healing art of AcuPresence® is a new energy medicine based on the ancient tradition of Classical Chinese Medicine, the I Ching and the universal principle that everything is vibration. The Healing Art of AcuPresence is used for personal healing and practiced in a variety of professional Healing Arts. We offer products, CEU courses, videos, trainings and much more to support your experience.

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ABOUT Alaya DeNoyelles, originator of AcuPresence®

Alaya is a Classical Five Element Acupuncturist, the originator of AcuPresence® and a Gene Key Ambassador. Alaya’s expertise and passion lie in working with what’s known as the “Spirit of the Points,” the unique healing magic inherent in the vibrational signature of acupuncture points. Alaya’s inspiration is to empower people to utilize the essence of acupuncture as a vibrational medicine, and to reawaken the magic and beauty of this ancient healing art to support humanity in our embodied awakening.
In 2005, Alaya’s fascination with the connection between I Ching Hexagrams and acupuncture points led her to embark on a quest to understand the correlation. Her journey of research, experimentation, and discovery led to a revelation: she deciphered how the I Ching Hexagrams are mapped in the body through the energy meridian system.
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