Nadia caught cheating with Unlocker Tool! - BBB gaming News

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Nadia caught cheating with Unlocker Tool! - BBB gaming News

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It sickens me that people can cheat and make so much money without being prosecuted. Then you get people who are actually grafters and get home exhausted from hard working labour and earned their money but nowhere near what these 🐀's make 🙈 . This world is awesome 🤣👌


Didn't she just said "got no attachments oh!" Everything was unlocked and never looked at? Thats what happens when you use unlocked tool and go look at your gun, not when somebody grinds it because they aren't gonna avoid putting attachments on it lol


The attachments are highlighted in green, so she’s never been in gunsmith with that gun before so must’ve been using it with no attachments’s just obvious now that these bedroom streamers are being protected by activision


Just want to point out the fact that at 1:33 you can clearly make out that the weapon is only level 37 but then she drops in at 2:21 and put plague diamond over her blueprint skin, if she put in the effort to get 5000 kills with pack a punch and 2000 critical kills in zombies just to get golden viper to then unlock plague diamond it would be much higher then level 37 lmfao, if she has a script running like that live on stream to easily unlock anything at any point, then she has other features attached at the same time as well. Case closed ban the rat!


BBB I made the glitch to several weapons and believe me that's not how it works.
the glitch is on a weapon that you have to save as a blueprint, can't choose like a camo like she did
it's 100% unlocktool


At the time Nadia was first being accused of cheating, before she blocked her codtracker, someone left a comment on a video stating she has pink diamond zombies camo, but only 5 minutes or so gameplay time in zombies. You don't have to play zombies to know it takes longer than that to unlock the final camo for a weapon.


I saw the video of NickMercs going back to warzone. Said he hadn't played since the vanguard integration yet when making his loadout his weapons were all leveled up. There's no way you stream apex 8 hours a day and then jump onto vanguard to unwind


Carefull mate, she'll be sending her legal team after you again... 🤣


There has got to be a way to bring these PoS to court. How tf do you get rich by cheating and stealing. isnt this illegal? It enrages me how they act all high and mighty and the worst part, people fall for their BS.


The special treatment these streamers get is mind boggling. The shit they are able to get away with is sickening.


Plenty of streamers hide their screens when looking at weapons. However watch when cdl pros play warzone they will walk you through everything without hiding their screens.


Weapon level 37?? And has all atttachments and skins unlocked?
Math does not lie!


Whenever she is about to start the cheat process . She always refers to it as glitch.. its strange those glitches happens to no one except her .. cheating glitch 🤣🤣🤣


She is allowed to use the unlock tool because she is whitelisted by Activision


Pause the video at 1:49, you can see the level of her Groza is only 37 yet she has every single attachment on the gun unlocked??

No you need a least level 50 to unlock the last barrel

So not fully leveled but yet she has plague diamond 🤔🧐😂, 100% unlock tool


Her whole demeanor screams guilty during that clip


I made 3 videos on nadia... looks like it's time for another 😂


99.9% unlock tool, to have that camo the gun would need to be maxed and it is not, to glitch the camo you would need to save a custom blueprint and does not appear there was one but have to give her the 0.1% incase I missed it.


I remember swagg had a gold camo on the crossbow when it came out. He killed somebody and the level two animation played. He got nervous and ignored chat when we spoke on it.


Nothing will happen unless people stop watching their streams. If people keep watching than they will keep going and cheating and not giving a hoot.