Saltwater Tank Update

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Tick Tock @Michaelsfishroom

Breeding for Profit Playlist:


Companies I support:
Aquarium Co Op
KJE Aquatics
Mike's Bulgarian Green Angelfish
Keep FishKeeping Spectacular Bettas and other Fish stuff!
**Products I use or have used in the Fish Room**
API Freshwater Master Test Kit

My Favorite Power Filter

Fritz ACCR

Fritz Complete

Seachem Prime

Seachem Safe

Python Water Change System

Aquarium Co-Op Sponge Filter (THE BEST!)

Aquarium Co-Op Test Strips

Lee’s Specimen Container


API General Cure

Ich X

Blue Airline Tubing

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Love the clowns. Praying you do well with them. You amaze me Michael … freshwater and saltwater.


Coin sausage, no pineapple (but then I like banana so what do I know). What worked really well for me in the one marine setup I ever had (I also had two clowns) was a Coral Beauty and False Gramma (also called a Royal Dottyback). Very nice looking fish, not the most expensive, don't get too big and peaceful. I also had some Cleaner Shrimp, a Fire Red Shrimp and a Turbo Snail (refers to the shape of the shell, not the speed) as a cleanup crew. Before doing that I would add some more rocks, doesn't need to be live rock, just to add some nooks and crannies for the added livestock. I would leave the Clownfish at two but if you want more Clowns, make sure they are the Common Clowns, some other species can be aggressive.


I've seen other tanks with different types of clown fish in them and they were doing really good. It was other YouTubers and also at fish stores. But then I did see one store that had them separated. It was a store that Paul Cuffaro goes to. IDK if you know who that is but he has a channel about all kinds of fish and animals. He has videos of his saltwater tank and the store he buys his fish from. I watched the one when he bought his clown fish but can't remember what they said about mixing the different kinds together. 🤷 Sorry but you can look it up. Hey at least I remembered WHO it was. Right? LOL. Good luck, Mike. I think your tank looks really good. And clean!!!


Nice. I’m looking to start salt water tank myself in next few weeks


Gotta love clownfish. Great looking tank.


If u wanna add more fish into this tank u will need to add more live rock just in fact cause they need hiding places and also need places to sleep. Especially if u want to get a tang they need lots of live rock to graze off of for algae and nori threw out the day.


Hi Mike, Clowns fish are from the damsel fish family and can be territorial. Bengai Cardinal and Royal Gamma good candidates.


Your friend who had the chocolate starfish, was his water also hotdog flavored? lol.

Ground sausage on my Pizza, and I can take or leave pineapple.

A basslet, cardinals or fire gobies might be good options for that tank, but you're going to want to add little cave structures for them, easily done if you add more rock. Hermits and snails are always cool additions that don't add a whole lot of load. As far as coral, some softies would probably do fine under that light, but I wouldn't try anything more demanding than that.

As for more clowns, it's very inadvisable to add more. Damselfish are extremely territorial, especially to their own kind, and unless they all grow up in a "haram", they'll almost certainly kill eachother.


Nice hospital tank salt already in so should clean up external stuff on the guppies!😜😝


I have no idea what you could do with this tank except I do know that clown fish like anemones. What kind? I haven't a clue. But would Spike destroy it? I have no idea about that, either. But the fish and tank are very cool!

I like pizza with gobs of cheese, meats, olives, onion and slice tomato without crust. EDIT: Yes, i'm weird. :)

Have a great day/night! I always enjoy your videos.


You can add a yellow tang to the tank.


Lawnmower blenny would work well . Very active, hardy


Also this isn’t a freshwater tank we’re u just let the stuff build up on the tank floor which u like to call mulm. U gotta keep it clean or u will have a tank crash or algae outbreaks.


What guppy do you recommend for a patio pond or tank low on the floor for top view? From your website


100% Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp they will jump on your hand and clean your fingernails and dead skin and They will come to you like a puppy at least mine did. You will need a little more sand but one of the coolest thing is zombie snails!!!!


Ground sausage on the pizza. Pineapple, not so much.


Need coral in the tank look alot better


I like sausage on pizza, no matter the way it is prepared. Pineapple on pizza is a loaded topic that I refuse to comment on 🤣🤣🤣


Ground sausage and I like pineapple on my ham pizza.... How about a pineapple ham and sausage pizza that sounds so good


Sausage can come either way but pineapple in no way.
