CppCon 2018: Tony Wasserka “Curly Function Call Syntax”

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Lightning Talk
Lightning Talk
CppCon 2018: Tony Wasserka “Curly Function Call Syntax”
CppCon 2018: Tony Wasserka “Teaching Old Compilers New Tricks: Transpiling C++17 to C++11”
C++Now 2018: Tony Wasserka “Generative Programming in Action: Emulating the 3DS”
CppCon 2018: “Emulating the Nintendo 3DS: Generative & Declarative Programming in Action'
Teaching old compilers new tricks - Tony Wasserka - Meeting C++ 2018
C++Now 2018: Tony Van Eerd “Words of Wisdom”
CppCon 2018: Jon Kalb “This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things”
CppCon 2018: Borislav Stanimirov “The Bad Big Wolf Meets Riding Hood Little Red”
Type-safety in low-level programming: Modern C++ in game console emulators - Tony Wasserka
CppCon 2018: Staffan Tjernström “Almost Always Avoiding auto”
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CppCon 2018: Andreas Weis “Fixing Two-Phase Initialization”
Teaching Old Compilers New Tricks: Transpiling C++17 to C++11 - Tony Wasserka [C++ on Sea 2019]
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C++Now 2018: Anastasia Kazakova “Debug C++ Without Running”
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CppCon 2018: Walter Brown “Communicating via Diagnostics: Observations and Tips for Authors”
CppCon 2018: Brian Ruth “std::basic_string: for more than just text”