TAMRON VS SAMYANG - Which is the better 35-150mm f2.0-2.8? ENGLISH 📷 Krolop&Gerst

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With the coverage of 35-150mm focal length at such an open aperture of f2.0-2.8, Tamron has really introduced a new standard for E-mount with this lens. The focal length range really covers a lot, which is why this lens is amazingly well suited for a wide range of applications. But do not want to talk to much about the Tamron itself, there is already a video out there.

BUT - Samyang has also launched a lens, which also covers 35-150mm starting from f2.0-2.8. Phew!

That is something you first have to imitate. And then also in cheaper, where Tamron as a company is already known for not selling its name. That leads to one unanswered question above all: Which one is the better of the two?

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Please produce more reviews in english! This was a very good one and certainly the best one on this topic - and I did watch them all. No other review mentioned any of the things with flare or corner AF. Thank you.


Lovely and amazing breakdown. For those who are able to get a used copy of the Tamron and have ability to return of the are issues, it's an amazing lens to add to your kit.


Thanks a lot for the very good and in-depth review. After watching this I decided to buy the Tamron lens.


awesome review. the best VS i saw on the net. thanks 🙏 i appreciate your impartiality and balance


Excellent review, thanks for doing it in English for us non German speakers. Glad I bought the Tamron.


This is the video i was looking for. A fair comparison between this lenses. Thank you for the video.


Really nice seeing you also filming in english 😊excellently done!


Best comparison I've seen on the topic. Thanks!


Thanks...I'm saving for one of these, ...I will go for the tamron then.


First of all, thanks for the honest review, and the review in English. most of the 'reviewers' were sent their copies my samyang and as such, almost all of them painted the 'rosy picture' of this lens. But after watching this reveiw, I can safely make my decision. Plus, the Tamron lens is on sale here in Sweden with the difference between the two dropping down to almost 250 euros. so naturally, I would go with the Tamron.


Thumbs up just for doing this review in English


Thanks for the video. Clear concise and in English too!!! I think ill go with the Tamron. Too many advantages. If i ever see these 2 for sale used i would always look at the tamron listings first as it is optically superior


Your english is great. Thx for the review.


Great video. I was looking forward to this detailed comparison.


Thanks you for this. I have even looking for a video like this for awhile.


Thank you for the review, indeed not many similar reviews available, one even telling Tamron is worse.


Well, I think this video is a another case of lens sample variation for both the Tamron and Samyang. It happens with even the best of lenses. I've seen seen a number of head to head Tamron vs Samyang written tests and videos that show different resolution results at the different focal lengths, they are basically tied. I do think your finding of the Tamron having a wider 35mm angle is not a sample variation issue, it's been verified elsewhere.
On the Samyang autofocus performance, I wonder if you were testing the lens with the updated 2.0 firmware? BTW, the two lenses have different optical formulas in terms of number of elements and groups: Tamron 21 elements-15 groups; Samyang 21 elements-18 groups, so there is no copycat issue there.


Good review. I found exactly the same testing Samyang.


Amazing job comparing those two lenses. As you mentioned it at the beginning of your review, there is not yet enough information available on those competing offerings, and your comparison is very professional and balanced. Danke!


Hey there, wonderful video! Very quality :)
I notice you had a selection based on a grey / brown dog running. I'm most interested in these, because I'd like to know how the Samyang's Autofocus tracking performs on subjects which move very quickly. Very important for sports / bird photography and videography. Let me know if you have any tests for the Samyang based on this, many thanks :)
