Just FOUND Our Peacock's SECRET Nest In The Forest [Hatching Peacock Eggs] 🦚

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We just found our peahen's secret nest in the woods and there are 5 fertile peacock eggs there! Now what do we do??
Today on the cog vlog we have noticed over the last week that Ozella, our black shoulder peahen, has been missing during the day. We only see her when we feed the chickens and ducks and Scott, our male peacock, and then she just vanishes. We have been thinking that she had a secret or hidden peacock nest somewhere, and today I got super lucky because I saw here early this morning and followed her into the forest. I actually lost her for several minutes, but then she made her peacock or peahen noise, call, and that lead me into the right direction to where she was nesting. After several minutes of searching for her nest, and possibly peacock eggs, I caught a glimpse of her nesting on the ground in some thick ground cover. Her and her nest was pretty camouflaged and honestly I was pretty lucky to see and find the secret nest. She did get up off her nest and there were 5 peacock eggs under her, and we wanted to hatch some of our own peafowl, but at the same time I did not want to take her eggs that she's been sitting of for no telling how long now, so I made the decision to only take 2 of her p[peacock eggs and leave her with 3 eggs to hatch out herself. Before we put our 2 peafowl eggs in the incubator to hatch out, we candled the eggs to check and see if they were fertile peacock and eggs, and they are most definitely fertile peafowl eggs. And honestly it looks like they are much further along on than we expected, so they should hatch in the next weeks or days and we should have some baby peachicks running around on the farm. So baby peacocks hatched out by us and some peachicks hatched out by Ozella.
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Welcome To Cog Hill Farm & Homestead: The Home of The Dancing Farmer & Peaches The Potbelly Pig!! 🐷

We are a small family farm located in Alabama, & this is our story!
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Y'all be good,
Jason Smith, The Dancing Farmer & Peaches The Pig
Cog Hill Farm
Рекомендации по теме

Hopefully there’s some little pea chicks running around the farm that would be so cute


You are such a caring individual. MC is so happy. Scott is so BEAUTIFUL. God bless


Just brought home our families first chicks yesterday! 5 silkie chicks! Our kids, and myself, are in love! I love seeing MC's flock!


Jason you have truly been blessed!! A beautiful wife, a farm with a awesome family of critters. And a fantastic, absolutely adorable daughter that is sooo smart and thanks to you and Brooke and the good Lord above she will have a jamming adulthood that will just multiply this childhood you guys provide. My heart just swells up with pride for you all!! Thanks for sharing with us and giving us hope for a better future. We love y'all!!, Marilyn


I love the way you spread the news to your animals all the time!


Looks like it's time for you to get your goat in the Backwoods area for some clearing. And Mary Catl has such a gentle touch with her eggs but she's a sharp gal and knows what to do. She has so many talents and abilities!


Amazing! But after joining the Cog Squad, my husband now wants roosters, a peacock and a turkey! Where we live now, we can't even have a rooster and he's looking for another property! You're a bad influence on him. haha. Just joking. We love you all.


The Cog Hill egg hunters. You got your practice in with the previous emu egg hunt. Good stuff right there.


Hubby and I love watching your channel!
Marykarl is the best chicken young lady ever!
So Smart and polite! Lovin us some peaches!


Wow, peacock baby’s?!?!?! We gotta admit everyone was waiting for this!😆🦚


🦚 babies!!! They are so cute. Can’t wait 😊.


Well that's exciting. Jason's adventures on the farm. Love making the rounds with you. This city girl never knew how fun farm life can be. Something's always happening on Cog Hill Farm. Hard work but great fun.😁


This is such a great channel so glad I found you guys!! Pea chicks so exciting !!


I smile alot when watching your videos because your having fun and the videos are funny too 😅😂


Excited for baby peacocks! Be safe and merry Cog Squad!!!


Yeah, peacock 🦚 hopefully they hatch along with the other 3 do well under wish you could have moved her and the entire nest in the coop! Look how big those turkeys are getting... all those lovely birds....


Get a snake poking stick.

I enjoy hearing y’all call the animals by their name. Scott showing off for Popcorn...lol!


I pray she and her eggs(babies) be fine in the woods. I pray all 5 babies make it. I bet they will be so...cute. 🦚🦚🦚🦚🦚


I am so happy for you guys, can't wait to see the new peacock Good luck


Congratulations Ozella and Scott. We have 5 newly-hatched barn swallows on our front porch, but we haven't named them. We haven't even named their parents who nest here every year.
