Research talk (11/12/2021): Lattice path enumeration for semi-magic squares of size three

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Research talk (November 12, 2021) for CUNY Representation Theory Seminar. Mostly combinatorics and suitable for advanced undergraduates.

Table of contents:
0. Introduction - Historic background
1. Posets, Rectangular Grids, Peck Posets (6:32)
2. Semi-magic Squares of Size 3 (26:39)
3. Rectangles (29:48)
4. Lattice Path Enumeration in M(3) (34:25)
5. Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and Regge symmetries (45:52)
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Rest in Peace man, you got me through some tough examinations back when i was studying. sorry to hear about you, you'll be in a much safer and better place now. You will be missed :(


How is this going to revolutionize anything? What's more important quality or quantity? I'm talking about papers.


I once loved math but now I hate it with a passion. Being a math major is equal to being unemployable. None of this stuff is of any use to anyone in the real world. You won't become a professor, that ship has sailed long ago. There is an over abundance of PhDs.
