Motivational Success Story Of Stephen Hawking - From Lazy Student To an Amazing Scientist

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Motivational Success Story Of Stephen Hawking - From Lazy Student To an Amazing Scientist

This is one of the most inspirational and motivational videos out there.

Did you know that Stephen Hawking couldn't read properly until he was 8 years old?
He was also a lazy and time wasting student who was diagnosed at 21 with an illness and had only 2 years left to live.
This is how Stephen Hawking Beat the odds and proved his doctors wrong miraculously living more than 55 years after his diagnosis. He transformed himself from lazy, bored and time wasting to an amazing scientist.

And he has the best advice for living a happy life:

"Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet."

"Never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. And if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don't throw it away."

"Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious, and however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. It matters that you don't just give up."

"Be brave, be determined, overcome the odds. It can be done"

"While there is life, there is hope."
- Stephen Hawking

Ross Bugden - Music:

- NASA [Public domain]
Jim Campbell/Aero-News Network [Public domain]
- NASA/Paul Alers [Public domain]

Are you feeling down and empty with all hope lost, or maybe you are having a bad day. Are you feeling depressed and full of anxiety on a daily basis, or you’re feeling like a complete failure?Do you need that spark of inspiration that will make you stand off that couch and stop feeling sorry for yourself? Are you tired of being unhappy, unfulfilled, not confident? It’s time to change your mindset! Do you need just a little bit of motivation to change things? The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.
You're on the right place.
Inspire Yourself!
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He's one of the persons I admire most in my life. He's a great inspiration. Thank you very much for making a video on Stephen Hawking.


The biggest mistake I see people making is failing to get started. It's easy to be a perfectionist and always find a reason to wait. Once you have started, you have the opportunity to learn from your mistakes and just course. Learning on the job is very effective. I intended to start my YouTube channel a few years ago, but I didn't get round to it until recently. Just go for it. Don't procrastinate.


0:29: Indian teachers don't recognise each student's individual talent. They just need 99% in every subject and assignments competed. RIP creativity and curiosity lmfaoo


You would be surprised to hear that he hasn't got noble prize in physics


I feel so bad for him he didn't receive Nobel Prize even though he deserved it


One of the the moment in his life was inspired me a lot.. miraculously he lived 55 years more even after doctor says he will be no more .. that's the spirit


Anyone one from India🇮🇳... He is a brilliant person he is an inspiration for all of us 🙏🙏🙏

Edit:- now I understand full comments section is filled with indians and thanks for this much of likes 👍


The next week my final exams and this motivate me so much, he was such an inspiration person 💪🏼 may he Rest In Peace 🤲🏼💞


I'm so lazy that I'm downloading this video to watch later.


No Words!! For this Great Person ... Salute to "Stephen Hawking" 🙏❣️


Believe me I was too much upset and hopeless but this vdo woke up me inside mine thank you so much


Another legend the world lost 😢 his body is probably gone but his sense of humanity still and will remain there in our hearts the fact is "we r not working to live !!! We're living to work ! To give more than wat well take ... "


Seeing this video two days after watching "The Theory of Everything" movie about Stephen Hawking's life! 🤧🤧🤧 He'll always be an inspirational figure to me and I'll always have a love for space and Universe although I've a different aim. Rest in Peace, great Scientist! ❤️


He was a fascinating dreamer and a genius!


My first inspiration was Stephen hawking ❤he was a great man and proved that everything is possible if you try your best.


this is a true inspiration for me because I am little bit lazy towards study. But I searched for this video as I have heard a lot about this. After seeing this video I have set up that I will never give up.
From India🇮🇳


Real inspiration idol he proved nothing is impossible 🙏


Yes. 🙏
This is just but one of the examples of natural calamity. Never choreographed, but for the possibilitys' sake, for vigilance and never for negativity, I hope so.
My tears fell down when you are not here anymore good sir. 🙏


GREAT CONTENT!! :) Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it. Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don't wish it were easier; wish you were better. There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.


I really enjoyed this video its really inspiring, Thank u.😊
