What is Wolfram Language? (Stephen Wolfram) | AI Podcast Clips

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Stephen Wolfram is a computer scientist, mathematician, and theoretical physicist who is the founder and CEO of Wolfram Research, a company behind Mathematica, Wolfram Alpha, Wolfram Language, and the new Wolfram Physics project. He is the author of several books including A New Kind of Science, which on a personal note was one of the most influential books in my journey in computer science and artificial intelligence.

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From wikipedia: "..As a young child, Wolfram had difficulties learning arithmetic. At the age of 12, he wrote a directory of physics. By age 14, he had written three books on particle physics."

Wolfram, at the age of 15, began research in applied quantum field theory and particle physics and published scientific papers. Topics included matter creation and annihilation, the fundamental interactions, elementary particles and their currents, hadronic and leptonic physics, and the parton model, published in professional peer-reviewed scientific journals including Nuclear Physics B, Australian Journal of Physics, Nuovo Cimento, and Physical Review D.[42] Working independently, Wolfram published a widely cited paper on heavy quark production at age 18[2] and nine other papers, [18] and continued research and to publish on particle physics into his early twenties. Wolfram's work with Geoffrey C. Fox on the theory of the strong interaction is still used in experimental particle physics.

This guy is a genius.


Imagine creating a robot and then that robot flexes on you by calling you a toilet plunger on a podcast.


Wolfram Alpha is the closest anyone has come to date to creating the Computer on the Starship Enterprise in Star Trek. Amazing effort!


Wolfram is great for checking your derivations. It has often taught me interesting identities, special functions, and simplifications that I didn't know before.


Stephen Wolfram is a once in a hundred years genius and visionary who actually takes on and executes big problems. I worry about Wolfram the company and concept when he is no longer with us to provide the thought leadership and vision, maintain the discipline and integrity, and drive its implementation.


It's a trip how much he's influenced our world and I had no idea who he was till I watched this interview. It's inspired me to relearn math so I can follow this cat's research. I can't thank you enough for this Lex. Keep doing those interviews on Rogan's show, there are a lot of people out there like me who need to be woken up. My brain has gotten lazy over the last few decades and you've helped to rekindle that fire.

Watched Wolfram's live Q&A today and the dude is super interesting. He likes to talk, but that's cool, what he has to say is worth hearing. He's good at breaking down information in a way that's palatable to the layman.


Just amazing how different it is compared to conventional languages, dont understand why this is not as popular as Python or MATLAB when it existed for 33 years! Thank you, Lex, for the enlightening and keep em comin'!!!


From Wikipedia: Both Stephen Wolfram and Christopher Wolfram were involved in helping create the alien language for the film Arrival, for which they used the Wolfram Language


When I was in university I used it. It is too expensive for the average person. That in effect limits it's adaption.


Wolfram takes many forms including a plunger lol


I used Mathematica at Ohio State in the Physics department for a whole year in Prof. Greg Kupps physics 260 series. It was quite amazing. It could break down very complex factorization of equations, integrals and even provide a step by step on how it arrived at its solution. It was amazing. One of a kind software.


when the computer thinks u a plunger LMFAO


AMAZING! I feel a little guilty for using it as a calculator until now.


This is fascinating. Keep up the great work, Lex.


I asked Wolfram Alpha "Who's your daddy? and it responded that Stephen and team were, in fact, it's daddy. This was followed by "Show me a plunger, " which it did, accompanied by definitions, the first being "someone who risks losses for the possibility of considerable gains." So, I guess that Stephen is a plunger after all. Well played, Alpha. Well played.


"Most of the brilliant dreamers give up such a difficult engineering notion at some point." It's death by chasing impossible dreams or death by mediocrity, how could anyone quit....


Lex, it's time to get him back. Now GPT-4 API has access to Wolfram Alpha, we need to explore what capabilities Machine Learning, LLMs and Wolfram Language/Data can do together. Add a way to increase the character length of replies and a way to store new data as memory and you've got the bulk of AI right there.


someone needs to make a compilation of everytime lex says "well, im russian"


The thing Wolfram said about needing multiple different competing AI ethics modules is very prescient


WolframAlpha is awesome, I don't know how to use the wolfram language, yet, but I really like the underlying broader concept of it.
