Human Health and Diseases Class 12 | Biology NCERT Chapter 7 One Shot | CBSE NEET

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Class 12 NEET Biology NCERT Chapter 7 Human Health and Diseases
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Human Health and Diseases Class 12 Biology NEET NCERT Chapter 7
0:00 Introduction
0:46 Health
2:21 Maintaining a Good Health
5:16 What interferes with Good Health?
5:51 Disease
7:23 Disease: Signs & Symptoms
8:49 Types of Diseases
10:14 Introducing Pathogens
11:21 Terminologies related to Infection
16:09 Some common diseases caused by Pathogens
16:35 Typhoid
21:53 Pneumonia
25:15 Common cold
29:23 Malaria
32:26 Life cycle of the Malaria Parasite
38:28 Amoebiasis/ Amoebic dysentery
42:22 Ascariasis
44:02 Elephantiasis/ Filariasis
46:47 Ringworm
48:02 Prevention of Infectious diseases
50:22 Immunity
51:36 Types of Immunity
54:18 Innate Immunity
54:53 Innate Immunity: Barriers
59:15 Acquired Immunity
1:03:33 Primary & Secondary response
1:05:50 How are Responses carried out by the body?
1:08:10 Antibodies
1:11:06 Antigens
1:12:34 B-cells & T-cells
1:15:56 Acquired Immunity:Types
1:17:47 Cell – mediated immunity : An interesting fact
1:19:31 Active & Passive Immunity
1:23:25 Active & Passive Immunity: Examples
1:25:42 Vaccination
1:28:17 Active & Passive Immunization
1:29:51 Vaccination success
1:32:42 Allergy
1;33:35 What causes Allergy?
1:36:54 Allergy: Symptoms & Treatment
1:37:36 Human Immune system
1:39:26 What constitutes Human Immune system?
1:42:59 Primary Lymphoid organs
1:44:11 Secondary Lymphoid organs
1:48:20 AIDS
1:50:08 Transmission of AIDS
1:53:54 How HIV cause the infection?
1:57:49 AIDS: Symptoms & Treatment
1:59:47 Prevention of AIDS
2:00:53 Cancer
2:02:50 Cancer : Tumors
2:05:53 Different types of Cancer
2:06:16 Cause of Cancer
2:07:20 Carcinogens
2:09:17 Cancer: Diagnosis
2:12:26 Cancer: Treatment
2:15:37 Drug
2:16:42 Commonly used Drugs
2:16;53 Opioids
2:20:06 Opioids: Heroine
2:21:54 Cannabinoids
2:23:13 Cocaine
2:25:55 Tobacco
2:27:03 Adverse effects of Smoking/ Chewing tobacco
2:28:52 What motivates youth towards Drug/Alcohol abuse?
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