How Do You Know You're a Witch?

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Has anyone told you that you may be a witch? Do you resonate with what witches do? Are you questioning if you are indeed a witch? In this video, I talk about 4 things that witches do that can help you identify if witchcraft is for you.
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I realized I was a witch 3 years ago. As a child, I always called myself a witch, jokingly. And for halloween, I would always dress up as a witch. 3 years ago, I randomly woke up one day and was lead down a ravitrole about paganism, wicca, witches and witchcraft. And the more I investigated, the more I researched and learned, the more I felt like home, like a missing piece of me me i didn't know was missing finally clciked into place. Everything you said confirmed all my expierences. Everything you said down to a T is exactly my belief, and my way of life. Even what you said about cities, and I've always told my husband that I didn't like cities because they always felt like too much of the matrix, too human matrix for me 😂. And my connection to mother earth, my magick is earth magick and my job is in environmental conservation because I care and love mother earth so deeply. But I wanted to ask you a question. Is it possible to be come witches in this lifetime as the first time ever becoming a witch ? I don't have memories of me being a witch in a past life, and have always wondered is it possible witches can be newly awakened, or is the term witch indictive of you rememberING you were a witch for sure in a past life ? How would I know if I was a newly awakend witch or one in a past life? While I may not remember the past life I do know that in this life this way of life resonates so deeply it feels as if I were remembering on a soul lev


Thank you so much for your energy wisdom🧡🧘🏼‍♀️💞


Also, if anyone loves this description, then you’ll definitely love her book 📕 “Crafting your Wiccan Path”
It was causing “me too me too me too!” responses from me all the way through 😅 …Really is a perfect book to share with others to help them understand your life as a witch, and even to help you verbalize it to others.


I come from a family of 😊 my grandmother taught me so much ❤ I’ve always known since childhood.


I had a moment where I was in extreme pain after finding out about my partners infidelity. I suddenly started to feel intense energy running through and around me. Suddenly knowing that I was within my rights to send all my pain, channel it and send it back to the person who caused it and that God was behind me and supported me. This came out of nowwhere. I suddenly repeated three times with all this energy coming out of me...May she get what she deserves. I said this three times. I felt like a sorceress from a disney movie, for real. It shocked me and came out of nowwhere. By the end of the day the person was in a neck brace and her car was written off and I just knew that I had done it. I don't ever want to do that again. It was just a moment of extreme pain and sudden realization. I tend to make concoctions and herbal teas all the time and I carry crystals with me since I can feel there energy. They are amazing!


You're one with the nature in the nature, then you know.


I am a real witch 🧙‍♀️ since I was so younger in the 90’s and the 2000’s ! I have a witch 🧙‍♀️ in my family tree my birth dad ‘s family and my birth mom ‘s Sind ! 😊 I really not do bad things on people !!!! 💚☮️✝️☯️✡️


Awesome video. I feel you were born a witch and remember who you are, like an awakening.


If you want to feel just raw natural powerful energy, visit Yellowstone National Park. Had a beautiful and extreme experience there but when you see it and drive through you can feel the wildness and the power that is all around there. Truly an experience I would recommend to anyone that connects with nature.


Great topic and video Sandra. It think you're spot-on in implying someone doesn't necessarily need have to have a "power" to be a witch. Perhaps its still in a suppressed state. That is what you're saying right? I was raised a Christian yet as far as I knew, I had no special power yet was always still a Christian. Although I knew NOT to say anything out of the ordinary. I feel I've "come home" now and can confidently call myself a witch. I love the whole idea of your witch school btw!


Peace and blessings, love and light ✨️ ❤ love you Sandra 😘


How to know you're a witch? There's a calling, a connection, a deep interest in nature, the otherworld, the occult... And feeling belongingness there..that you feel "you're finally home"


i think that's exactly what it is.... feeling at home with magick (i also feel at home in forests, dark, deep, mystical european kind as opposed to australian ones) - not that i'm a magician (all my attempts failed colossally) - i might become one though.... eventually.

btw, i've been an atheist all of my life, but i read every single fairy tale book i could find. sometimes i think it's those fairy tales that brought me up as a person (i did have absolutely wonderful parents as well - that might have helped a bit as well 🙂 )


I always knew that there was something more to this reality, there is a sixth sense there is a connection to nature its all beautiful and i want nothing to do with the city anymore, some witches enjoy the city life but not me lol.


i had a dream about 4 years ago about the number 42 and i told my mom about it, she told me about 2 years ago that the number 42 meant something to her, it was the age she was about to turn. after she turned that age she had a HUGE awakening and just knew wicca things, like it came to her. and here’s another one, 3 years ago i had another dream about the number 100 blowing up in my face and it was a reoccurring nightmare sorta. i told her about it and we kinda figured out what it meant and i never had it again, but 100 days later my parents got divorced because my dad held back my mom and hated that she practiced wicca. i feel like it was for the best, now my mom feels free and she’s actually herself with her practice, she thinks i’m a medium too but i’m only 15 so i need to keep studying 😊


Really wondering on how elaborate or simple a ritual can be. Does a ritual have to be casting a circle, evoking the elements etc, or can it be as simple as lighting a candle?


This is a perfect, spot on description! I love your videos; I’m sending this to a friend to help them understand a bit more about me. Great material.


Namaste 💚 @Mystery Witch School Right On
You Pretty Much Hit The Truth Right On The Money

You've Just Gotten A New Supporter


Probably because I feel it, always did, for one. I descend from what I now know to be a lot of Scottish clans who were said to be very powerful witches and shapeshifters (also supposedly descend from one Prince of Kyiv plus Jesus, which omitted biblical texts were found and place in J.P. Morgan's museum) and I woke up to a few moments later thinking about nuns binding my powers and remembering that I have an unexplainable memory of my mom taking me to a convent as a small child when there was zero presence of anything Catholic in my life growing up and she had told me when I was young that we're Presbyterian or maybe it was Pentecostal, which I wound up renouncing because of early abuse .... because I have always felt that I had power and that it was bound and because it feels like I am and always has, despite me pushing it away because I didn't want to be ridiculous and have that cause me to be ostracized more than I was. For me, it's a feeling of immense power and no match to ignite it. I will find it, though. Simply put, it has always felt like it's part of me and I have always said no, it's not because it couldn't be. I have been in such darkness so many times to the point that I don't want to be here anymore and I just can't explain it, I wasn't having it, I felt like that part of me died a little and I was reborn like a phoenix to keep me going. I have always loved scented candles (crickets) hahaha .... I do love herbs and have always felt like there is really nothing less natural than herbs. Animals LOVE me. Nature can't be beat and it makes me feel more like me because it is where I find the most beauty. I think of what the planet should/would be like untouched by modernity, esp. when I drove semi across the states and was always so amazed by its natural beauty that doesn't have buildings at all. I do feel compassion for animals who live outside who are constantly fighting to stay alive because I identify with that a lot. I do feel connected to the elements. I am so grateful to have had the gift of able to break through what I think has been very heavy actions to suppress me in every way possible in a psychical way and through magic work, curses, etc. I DO know there's more and I always felt that there is a facade over what is really real and finding out that science said we are in matrix, I feel that I was correct. I think it could be quite possible that we and everything around us that we know of may have been created through magic ... because, why not? I've felt "right" when I have thought about certain things. I feel that all people have been suppressed from reality and that many of us still see through that because we feel it and have real inspiration by our little big world.

I have a lemurian crystal, tarot, a plate with hamsa and an eye on it and it is all blue, just two small hearts of tiger's eye and rose quartz. I was told I need to get amethyst specifically, for whatever reason. I also just have some incense of frankincense and myrrh, plus also a blue Ascended Masters & Guides pillar candle made of an unnamed essential oil, frankincense blend, dragon's blood, olive oil peppermind, musk and saffron, and that's it. For being new, I'm not sure what else I need as a beginner besides a cauldron and cinnamon broom hahahahhaha jk. Even though my mind is easily distracted, like super bad, I am still collecting knowledge and storing it so that I can get at it the easiest. Recommendations at all?


My grandmother was a Roman Catholic & a took after her
