'Free Grace' Redefining Repentance #shorts

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Salvation is a Free gift received by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone


🎶🎵I’m glad Salvation is Free 🎶🎵

Titus 3:5
“Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;”



This person hates the gospel and mocks the grace of God. God’s grace is, by definition, free and more than abundant.


This comments section gives me hope that there are more who have recieved the true gospel of grace than what it seems


Aren’t we saved by grace through faith and not of works so that no man may boast? Isn’t this a gift? A free gift? Doesn’t that make God’s gift of grace, free?


Free grace simply teaches that you believe in Jesus for the gift of eternal life which cannot be lost.


No one ever explains at what point does your works get you saved. You sin daily.


"There is no one who does good, no not one." How can you turn from sin if it is totally impossible to please God in the flesh? It is only after God gives someone (who has faith in Christ Jesus for salvation) the new nature that that person, can obey God. This is why "turning from your sins" is bogus. The unbeliever can't. That's why we need a new birth.


We do not preach turning from "self righteousness", we preach unbelief to belief alone. The bible is clear we are saved by faith alone, not of works, least any man should boast.


Guys like this always want to add and subtract to what is written. It is by grace through faith, that's it...that's what is written.


Reasons people reject the complete forgiveness of sin, which have absolutely nothing to do with the truth. People do not care about the truth that God died for the sins of the world. People care more about these things:

1. They dont want to let go of the law.

2. They want God to hold others sins against them that have violated them.

3. People fear that others would lose the incentive to stop sinning.

4. People lose their ability to control others with the law.

5. People believe they will be blessed by keeping the law

6. People believe God gave the law to help us stop sinning, so we can avoid being cursed by God.


How many sins does a person need to turn from in order to be saved?


According to Free Grace there is:

-no need to repent
-no need to count the cost
-no need to resist the devil
-no need to put on the armor of God (except shield only)
-no need to put sin to death, flee from sexual immorality
-no need to hate sin and turn away from it

-no need to pray
-no need to call out to God for salvation
-no need to be baptised
-no need to be Holy as He is Holy
-no need to mature into Christ's likeness
-no need to abide in Christ
-no need to bear fruit
-no need to love the brethren, or go to church
-no need to strive to enter His rest
-no need to strain towards the goal
-no need to work out your salvation
-no need to obey His commandments

The Bible does not always have to use the word repent to command us to repent. The authors of the NT command us clearly to repent. Jesus will return. And He will judge us. This is something to truly tremble and think about. Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty. Jesus IS Lord whether we willingly make Him Lord of our lives or not.

Thank you for your video!


God repents but he doesn't have sin. Repent and believe meaning change your mind from unbelief to belief in The Saviour Jesus Christ. God saw their WORKS THAT THEY TURNED FROM THEIR EVIL WAY. JONAH 3:10. God is saying here that turning from your sin is a work. Not by works of righteousness that we have done but through HIS mercy he saved us


We are saved by grace through faith without works. The bible says turning from sins is works (jonah 3:10) and the word repent in the original Greek means to change your mind. It does not mean to turn from your sins.


He's full of himself. He'll be the one saying but Lord I did this and that in your name, surely I'm not a worker of inequity. I'm saved! I followed all of your commands and it's true I may have sinned less than anyone else. Don't you see my many works? Jesus will declare to him. Depart from me you worker of inequity, I never knew you.. What a startling moment that will be when a person is cast into the lake of fire because they think that Jesus saves based on merit.. If a person thinks they have to strive and walk the narrow road to enter the kingdom of heaven then he is the same considered a thief and a robber trying to break in without the blood of Christ put on his account. Salvation is a free gift. It is not earned, deserved or lost. Jesus paid it all so you wouldnt have to. You must be born again and once born again spiritually you can not be unborn no more than you can be unborn physically. Believe in the gospel of Jesus's death burial and resurrection and you will be saved.


No Free grace teaches receiving salvation as a free gift. Paid in full. Jesus paid it all and all we do is believe in Jesus Christ like a child and be saved . Nobody can REPENT of his sins full . Everyone sins every day. So you are a false prophet REJECTING THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST


Thank you for stating this. I am baffled that there are people claiming that repentance is not needed for salvation because it is a “work.” The first word of Jesus’ ministry preaching was “REPENT.” It is also astounding that basically with this logic you can live whatever kind of sinful life you want because you have eternal salvation, no repentance necessary.


I love this man and his true biblical teaching, those here who do not want to accept that the fact is we must turn from our sins must read the bible, I'm not saying I dont sin, I do. But the same God who saves by grace, also by grace, grants repentance. Read your bible, Jesus says cut off your right hand and eye if it causes you to sin, that doesn't sound like sin is some joke to Our God. He is holy and we are called to be holy, or we shall not see him, Hebrews 12:14


One guy told me Paul never repented of his sins. I guess he was still secretly persecuting Christ and getting Christians killed all his Christian years. Just really foolish nonsense. But also very dangerous.
