The Footage Scared Them Out of Their Home

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Discord: Submit stories

Intro Music by Home "Captain Forever"

#ScaryStories #NathanBarnatt
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That first story gave me chills. I know how it's going to sound, but for years of my childhood I heard my name being called all the time only to discover that no one had been calling for me at all. So, the idea that this thing was mimicking their family members voices just reminds me of that and it freaks me out. Second story I agree with you, Nathan. I think it was the kids on the dirt bike messing with them too.


Thanks! For the entertainment and the conversation. I enjoyed both of them immensely.


I love this genuine telling of stories and seeing you out of character man, absolutely thankyou for recommending me to check out your new vids. Much love from down under! 🇦🇺


Nathan, you just deserve all the success in the world.


I totally agree about the door knocking, lol.
I love how you react to these stories, you cheer me up!


Dude I love these live reaction Fridays!


That first one is pretty darn spooky. People don't ever get over that stuff. Also, going remote is never a good idea at night, especially if you don't have A LOT of people with you and something to use as a weapon to defend yourself


True or not, I dig your storytelling! Thank you!


Yess! Another awesome one! Can't wait for more! And let's get this man to 500k!!!


I got major goose bumps when you read about the tapping at the windows. I had that happen at one place I lived. It was at the house our family inherited from my grandparents after they died. The first night it happened, it was the window right above my headboard of my bed and I could hear a faint whisper of "hey let me in". My transient half brother had come by a couple times, banging on my window to let him in so he could sleep on the couch but this was much more subtle and creepy. I said, if it was him, tough luck, he shouldn't be so creepy. I asked my father the next day if Scott (the half brother) had come by assuming he'd be pissed at me if he had, but he wasn't in town that my dad knew of. The next time it happened it was still daylight outside and I was on the computer and it was a smaller window near it. No voice this time. I mentioned it to my parents who said it was nothing and that there was nothing in this house (we had bad experiences at the previous house). The third time it happened I was awake and ran to the living room to get my dad to hear it too. He walked in dismissively and half asleep still and stopped in his tracks when he heard the tapping too. He said, "What was that?" "That's the tapping I was telling you about." "What the hell is that?" "I don't know, I told you." "It's definitely the window, not the wall." "Yeah, like I said, there's tapping on the window." "I'm going to take a look." "No! Don't!" I was preparing to run as he moved the blinds to look outside. No tapping for a bit..."I think it was a bird and I scared it off." Suddenly tapping again. "Oh, yeah, a very persistent bird dad, sure." We debated for a while, there was no tree there, it wasn't windy outside. There's no way it was rats or our cat. It stopped and he went outside to look but couldn't figure it out. And that was that. I never heard it and you're not going to believe Korean grandmother did a cleansing of the house after it happened again to my mom. She also heard the creepy voice asking to be let in. It was kind of hilarious as I come home from class one day and my mom is sitting in the living room with no TV on weirdly. I ask her what are you doing? She shooshes me. I listen and can hear Korean chanting. Is grandma here? She shooshes me again and says yes. And I quote this next part, "She's doing an exorcism." I yelled, "A WHAT?!" Now, it wasn't actually an exorcism, my mom doesn't know the difference, but my grandmother said it was my grandfather and grandmother who passed that were tapping on the windows and that they didn't know why they were outside or that they had died. She said she couldn't convince them to move on but she pushed them away from the house. She also said there was another spirit, a harmless man who she couldn't get rid of. The tapping never happened again. Minor little creepy stuff happened a couple times but nothing outright scary. True story.


please do more of these stories theyre great to listen to while im at work


Whoa I didn't realize you were making these kinds of videos. You do it so well! Please keep them coming, especially with October around the corner!


the first story was really creepy, second story sounded like a bunch of city folks out in the forrest, probobly some kids saw them go up there and wanted to have some fun. Me and my friends did that alot with the people who have summer cabins around where we live. People who are used to live in the city are scared shitless in the wild, very strange since the city is 1000 times more dangerous in so many ways.
Good friday story Nathan, keep em comin😈 (you were on fire tonight, loved your input ont he "hand on the window", laughed very hard to your comments)


Just got off work.
Not gonna lie.
I saw this post in my feed.
Got excited


"Window spanking problem" lmao! That first story was great!


These videos are pretty good didn’t know you started to do this kind a content. But keep up the good work buddy.


I'm glad you have a playlist for this series :)


I imagine you running a focus group for horror writers "what's the motivation of this demon? *why* is it scritching on the dog kennel?" 😁
I get the same kind fears at night time, my imagination makes figures out of shadows and footsteps out of leaves blowing along the road.
Love your readings, your reactions make it awesome. 👍❤️


7:19 Maybe possession is like Jedi mind tricks. It doesn't work so well on a strong mind. Maybe the demon needs to mess with the victim's head first to make them less mentally stable and that makes them more susceptible to possession
