WHY 99% OF PEOPLE WILL FAIL (And Lose Money) in Business...

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YEP. It's true... 99% of people will fail at their online business. Sarah explains why in this video.

RECOMMENDED WATCHING - Having Realistic Expectations In Business:


A business isn't a way to get rich fast. A business is simply when you learn to do these 3 things really well:

1) Creating or finding great products/services to sell.
2) Putting those products in front of the right customers.
3) Giving those customers a great reason to buy.

And each person will have their own journey to get there with a LOT of hard work & sacrifices along the way 💪👊

On this channel, we discuss all topics for ecommerce business owners (with a sprinkle of motivation thrown in too)!

* Case studies on successful ecommerce stores.
* Tutorials for apps & online tools.
* Low-cost, beginner-friendly product sourcing methods (Print On Demand & Dropshipping).
* Sales psychology tactics to increase conversions & get customers to buy from you & to click on your ads.
* Videos to help you with the "legal stuff" (creating refund policies, setting up taxes, etc).

So if you are someone who is building (or want to build) a REAL business (especially with ecommerce) & want to follow channels with actionable content to help you along your journey & make your store even better, subscribe today! 🔥
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I quote Calvin Coolidge - Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.


Love this video, spent 3 years working on an online business with no sales, January this year I got my first sale, 4 months later I am earning 5 times what I was in my job and I am building a brand! I learnt everything from scratch - website, marketing, product development.


"The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense." - Thomas Edison


shes the most down to earth dropshipper on this website. Not promoting her courses everywhere and prepares you for the reality of failure. I appreciate it.


It's like playing a game and you want to pass this HARD level so you spend hours lossing and trying again 💪


I bet your father's best victory is to have a daughter like you.
Thank you for sharing, great video! ❤


I have a pretty similar story to your dad. When I was young I had a lot of learning difficulties. I was put in a special needs class and it felt humiliating at the time. But I eventually learnt. Skip to senior (high) school and I was put in foundation. That means the test is easier but you can only ever get a C, the lowest passing grade. I knew I was better and demanded to be put in the higher class. I took a mock test for science and got an A so I proved them wrong and they let me in. I was told my my math teachers that I would never pass, there was no point. But I revised my BUTT off and I passed EVERYTHING. Surpassing all my friends and getting great marks. 60 people took the math test I did. 2 passed it, including me. My sister spent her whole life being 'the academic' one. Passed everything without trying. It was maddening. But when the time came, she failed a bunch of her exams and in the end I did better than her. WAY better. The special needs younger sibling. It's because she was naturally good and never needed to try. So when she had to try, she didn't and failed. I tried and struggled all my childhood and I passed because I was dedicated and used to hard work. Now I'm a gigantic book nerd and for a girl who couldn't read, it seems a million years ago. I've forgotten in recent times of failure about my own school story... As an adult I have failed. Or maybe I just need to keep at it until I win again. Even if my current challenge is 10 times tougher. Xx


And you're completely right!
I got a degree in engineering and now work in as an entry level engineer by never giving up and going through hell :)
Also started dropshipping about a month and a half ago and failed miserably on my first product,
On my second product, out of three days I had my ads running, I had a 100 dollar profit by day two, but then I lost it all on day 3 and went about 60 negative in total, Had a total of $600 worth of sales which was kinda cool :)
Now Im onto my 3rd product, hopefully I'll do better and learn from my mistakes. All while working remotely on my job every day, so It is kinda hard considering I have to work from 8-5, and then switch to dropshipping but that wont stop me.
And although I usually never give up in most occasions, I do feel depression whenever I fail. I usually recover fast by watching videos like this so thanks!


Nothing is impossible unless you THINK and BELIEVE that it's impossible. I love all your videos, it's the first channel I stumbled accross some months ago when I first heard about dropshipping. But this one is SO motivating because it compares business with every other thing that we "know" is going to take hard work and long time. Anyone that isn't able to see this should first start looking into their inner selves


Probably the best thing I've watched this month! I suffer from ADHD and Misophonia and it sucks SO much having the years pass by because I can't focus properly. It really pushes me forward again to be reminded that I just can't let my creative and entrepreneurial side die! :)


Coming from an Asian family. I remember when i was a kid my dad would always favor my younger brother because he didn't try very hard to get B's and A's. I would sometimes struggle to get B average and a 2.2 gpa. One of the best life advice I got from my high school guidance counselor is that your GPA doesn't matter after you graduate high school. What matter is what you do with yourself.


That's why all entrepreneurs tell that the mindset is everything! :)


I cannot tell you people how much shit i got when i was 16 or so, saying "nope i am not going to upper secondary school or going to let myself be an employee. i will be the boss of myself and my own time". even after facing extensive, lobbying like efforts by everyone around me to abandon this thought (except for my dad), i did not crumble in the face of this increasing, intensive pressure. to be frank i said f*ck em and did it anyway.
i will admit i cut everyone that had this view off from my life completely, deleted and gone, before the age of 18 (except for my mom, because that would be overly mean i think). at age 17, when i was in a youth institution, i was faced with being locked out of my room and from my computer 8 hours a day, as i was supposed to be "at school" during that time, and being on the computer could ofc never be allowed to be likened to or replace that.. (upper secondary school in my country is optional, even though 99.9% do decide to attend, so you would think these prison-like attitudes were unwarranted).. anyhow, even with being locked out from what i wanted to do, 8 hours a day, every single day, for over 6 months, i persisted, became increasingly obsessed with succeeding, as well as showing results. And finally, after continuing through the utter b*ullsh*t that i was faced with, came out on top, and went my own way. the following year i made my first $100k in gross income from my first online store.


Thank you Sarah for reminding me that it took me 23 years and 110, 000 games of bowling before my 1st perfect game! 6 more since in a 10th of the time!😁
You rock and so does your father!!


Good video Sarah, a lot of people including myself go or have gone for the instant gratification, but that is not how true long lasting success at something works. It all takes energy, work, discipline, a relentless attitude to achieve any goal and the most important ACTION. Also if we require quick results I have found that you must put in more energy, focused work to get the desired goal.


Thank you (as always) for this video and the encouragement, Sarah!

I'm especially interested in dropshipping/print on demand because in my mind it's easier to start than other investments, but have been struggling at it.

I've successfully invested in real estate, and recently sold an investment that left double the money in my pockets than I had paid for it (yippy!), but what people don't seem to understand is that it wasn't just luck! I worked my tail off to do it.

Now I'm in a position to set aside the two things keeping me away from running a business full time.

a) my full time JOB.
b) the fear of wasting all that money I sacrificed for and finally have to fall back on.

A ship is safest in the harbour, but that's not what a ship is made for!! Money is probably safest in a bank, but that's not "why" you accumulated it!

I just need to do that leap... 😳


I just came across your channel last night and I have NEVER EVER left a comment on a video...EVER. But after literally binging your videos nearly all night, I just had to take a pause to say thank you. I've learned so much already from you and I am soaking in every second of it and eagerly anticipating more. Thank you for making these videos and sharing your talents, experiences, advice, and lessons with the world.


Thank you Sarah for creating your videos! I never knew all those ecom opportunities exist. Hearing about other people’s learning curve feels very supportive and helps to remind yourself that you are not the only one failing and learning


The best thing my mom ever did for me was only speak positivity to me. That I could do anything and was capable of anything. It has given me a mindset of abundance and I really do feel this way. I can do anything I want if I work hard enough at at.


Love your father story, very inspiring at the same time very grounded and real which made me relate to him.

 Kudos for your animator, and from a storytelling wannabe my congratulations for your storytelling level, you've reached flair, it's a real achievement, the story is both emotionally touching, technically narrated and useful at a practical level. Hats off here, Bravo!

Also, say thanks to your dad because his lessons will echo is other people hearts, world is crazy huh? and for good. Cheers and good luck.
