The Trent Affair (1861)

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James Murray Mason was a Virginian. As a former member of the U.S. Senate, he once served as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. His credentials made him a natural selection for a diplomatic mission to London as a representative for the Confederate States of America.

Then there was John Slidell, a native New Yorker, who moved to Louisiana where, as a young man, he embraced the French language and culture. He, too, was perfect for his assignment to Paris - to the court of Napoleon III.

In November of 1861, they made their way on a mission which, if successful, would create a tipping point that would have profound consequences for the American Civil War.

Then an event in the Bahama Channel abruptly interrupted their journey. Found on a British vessel, they were captured in international waters by a US armed sloop and, because of that, the two came the closest to accomplishing their designated mission long before they ever arrived.

This is their story and the incredible ramifications of their capture. This is the story of the Trent Affair.

#civilwar #civilwarhistory

Narrated by Fred Kiger
Produced by Dan Irving
Published by Third Wheel Media


Some Characters Mentioned In This Episode:
Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerson
Napoleon III
Robert Barnwell Rhett
Queen Victoria
Charles Francis Adams Sr.
James Murray Mason
John Slidell
Charles Wilkes
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I think this is the only really good and in-depth video I’ve seen about the trent affair


the storytelling is engaging and engaging. I love this


Great video! Never really heard about this in school.


The reason for the change in British policy regarding nuetral shipping came as a result of signing The Declaration of Paris (1856), also known as the Declaration Respecting Maritime Law. Like a number of international treaties on the conduct of war, the United States refused to sign.


This is some History I did not know. The Trent affair was really interesting. Thank you for sharing! Happy Holidays 🌲💯


We don't have to forget that this John Slidell is the same guy who was dissed at the Mexico Parliament when Polk sent a proposal to buy the regions that Mexico ceded to the United States in the War that follows suit.


*_”…and wore ‘dress coat’ to breakfast.”_* lol


Unfortunately for the Confederacy, Britain had planted cotton in it's Egyptain and Indian territories. Both areas began producing cotton allowing them to profit from growing their own product.


"Trying to unify"? No thank you to centralized government.


I’m pretty sure youtube unsubscribed me!! Best Channel 🙌


If every historical video I watched was done in this guys voice educational YouTube would be better for it


Funny, but this event helped the occupation New Orleans. Butler gathered troops in New England to some expeditions in the Anaconda plan. The original expedicion was postponed for an USA British War possibility. After the end of the problems the New Orleans plan was started with the Navy. Butler got the Ship Island troops and 3 MidWestern regiments also with the his organized New England regiments to help Faragut.


The North was justifiably concerned that the Confederacy would ally with Central and South American powers and invade the North. A Confederacy, Central and South American combined army would have been vastly superior to the Union army and would have speedily overwhelmed and subjugated the North. So the North really didn't have a choice in letting the Confederacy go, they had to bring the South back into the fold or risk their own existence.
I didn't know Seward was such a statesman, as an Alaskan I know he was largely responsible for purchasing Alaska from Russia but I wasn't aware he was so involved in the Civil War as well.
I think it was Seward who proposed buying Canada and Greenland as well as Alaska. For the price of what was spent on the Civil War, the Union probably could have bought Canada and Greenland and had tons of money let over, as well as all the Civil War casualties alive and unwounded.


I'd love to pay five for these lectures but is there some other way to pay?


did the English consider (The States) as having 2-sixteenth presidents during our Civil War years? (thankx-4-uploading)


These are some pretty good stories about the war of northern agression.


Drumming down on "His-story"
No answers it that endeavor.
Only Thru questioning "his-story" might we get somewhere.


The South lost in their foolish bid to destroy the USA. Thank you President Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass and all who fought to end African American slavery and save the USA.


The British and France would have carved up the independent souther states if they were permitted to succeed from the union. Capt Wilks went on to lead a 5 ship voyage of exploration to Antarctica. On this cruise he proved to be difficult and a self righteous ass.
