Students, What is something your teacher did in school that you’re still salty about? #reddit

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One of my high school teachers is a raging homophobic. Ik this because one of the only gay people i knew of aka my cousin was often called out for things that normally wouldnt be poked at for other students. IE he and i grt along so well we get group wouk done quickly so we can sit and talk the rest of class and he hated it.

But the worst thing that teacher did was the headphones insident. The rule was no music unless we asked. My cousin qas maybe 5 feet from the teachers desk and didnt know the rule (transfered half way through the year) and instead of walking up and wuietly telling him like rhe teaxher had done to me and every other student in the room, he screamed so loudly he could be heard from the art room 6 doors down the hall from us.

He then proceeded to belittle my cousin when he got upset and cried a little over the embarassing situation. He started to treat me similarly when he found out we were related and often singled us both out weather or not the other was in the room.

Once he told me that my performance at a concert was sub par, (i had a bad cold but went anyways) and "understood why im getting a D in his class if thats the effert I put into my hobbies". Long story short this guy was a jerk and I'm thankful I'm out of his class


Either give link to story or part two or don't post at all
