UPDATE: Gave Me Away To Raise My Twin Sister Now Family Demand I Share Inheritance From Adopted Dad

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some context: I 17f was adopted at 6 months old by my bio dad's cousin, my dad. My dad's side of family was always very orthodox, so when he came out, they practically shunned him but still kept inviting him to the family events so their image to the neighbors would stay intact. But when my dad got married, their behavior towards my dad’s got harsher, and only my bio dad & bio mom were kinder.

After I was born, my bio parent gave me to my dad as they had demanding jobs and couldn't take care of twins. My twin is the golden child of the family, and they love her to pieces. Me, not so much. My twin is pretty, she has lighter skin, blue eyes, while I’m darker. So my dad's family used to b-lly me when I was little as I didn't fit in with their "aesthetics". So, when I was about 9, my dads moved away across the country and cut all contacts, except for my bio dad.

Now my other dad received a huge inheritance from his grandparents and he wants to give it all to me. I'm thinking to go into medicine so this money will really help.

Story 1:
Update: my twin wants my inheritance
Story 2:
Ex-bil doesn’t want me to treat his kids differently
Story 3:
Sister no longer wants a relationship with me but wants to see my daughter through my partner
Story 4:
I (16F) cried in front of my best friend's parents (16F) because they gave me a plate of food. How can I explain it to them.

#Relationships #Parenting #Family
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Story 1: UPDATE 3:48
Story 2: 6:42
Story 3: 10:35
Story 4: 13:25


First Story: I always hate when the OP feels guilty for not helping people who treat them like crap. It's a no brainer people! NTA OP, don't give them a cent!


Mom: "I'm so disappointed in you"
Well, maybe you should have raised me better!


For the twin story: You're not your bio dad's kid- you're your adoptive parents' child both legally and where it counts: the heart. Don't acknowledge bio dad's and twin's emotional manipulation.


1st Story: Tell your twin: "I'm sorry you're so upset that you weren't the one abandoned by your parents as a child" 🤷‍♀️


story 1: Grandma: “your twin deserves money”
OP: “then hurry up and die so she can get yours”


Story 1: in order for OP to be adopted, the bio dad signed his parental rights away. Which means he is no longer OP's dad. Bio dad has no say in OP's life. Tell bio dad to go kick rocks


The story where the sister only wants contact with OP's daughter but not her....This is DANGEROUS! The woman will try to poison the child against her own mother. Do not let her near this child. I speak from experience.


Story one. Normally I would feel bad for OP because her “family” rejected her and basically kicked her to the curb. But she is actually the lucky one. She has two loving parents who really support her and have helped her grow into a good person. Her golden child sister has been turned into a vicious, greedy, entitled monster by her terrible parents.


Yeah when people start calling me or my loved ones names I would say "well I was thinking about it but since this is how you feel nevermind" I've only had to use this twice and it's amazing how quickly they back off and say sorry.


Ah yes
Calling the dad “selfish sinners” will definitely cause them to share the inheritance


OP doesn't have "bio parents". They just have amazing parents, and sperm and egg donors. The donors don't deserve op, or those wonderful fathers. Smh


Story 1Its almost. Hilarious how many people use the whole "where family thing". They should sue for slander and harassment if the sister keeps this up.


OMG that poor baby in the last story. Some poor sweet girl cries over a plate of food and a few kind words? I'm demanding that kid come by at least a few days a week for some dinner, a hug, and a proper chat about her life. The friend's parents sound like good parents which means they'll know exactly what to do.


First story. The inheritance come from someone the twin isn't even related to but she claims OP took her college fund. The college fund that was never hers. These people are super entitled.

The one where the sister wants to see her niece through the partner seems suspicious. Thank god the partner stood up for his wife and kid.


For the person that has the four- month-old daughter don't think of it as keeping your sister away because you're having disagreements with her but you're protecting your child from her


#4: I know that feeling. The first time you feel the slightest bit of affection from another person when you've gone your life without it can be overwhelming. It makes you realize just how deep in survival/caregiver mode you are


In the last story- CPS needs to be called. It's a clear case of child abuse and neglect on the part of the mother and the grandparents are just throwing money at them- which doesn't solve everything either. A sixteen-year-old is not an adult and shouldn't have to shoulder the burden of an adult- while the actual adults are neglectful and abusive aholes. She needs to tell her friend and her friends' parents- who will- hopefully do their due diligence. At the very least she needs to tell a school counselor or a teacher (who are mandatory reporters).


Biodad essentially threw 1 twin away bc she didn't fit his family's vision of perfect. If the money is coming from the adoptive parent, there is absolutely no connection to the twin or biofamily. OP, please tell them to pound salt. Live your best life despite these jerks & enjoy your money.


Sounds like the Golden child and Golden family are entitled as hell. Sounds like they sniff out money and want it for them selves.
